Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost T. 19 St. Peter of Alcantara, C. Th. 21 St. Ursula and Comp., V. M. S. 23 St. John Capistran, C. Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost Gospel, St. Matt. xviii. 23-35: The King's Account. S. 24 St. Raphael, Archangel. M. 25 SS. Chrysanthus & Daria, MM. W. 27 St. Frumentius, B. C. Th. 28 SS. Simon and Jude, Ap. S. 30 | St. Alphonsus Rodriguez, C. Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost Gospel, St. Matt. xxii. 15-21: The Coin of Tribute. S. 31 St. Wolfgang, B. C. Intending purchasers of a STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Piano, or Piano and Self-Player combined, should not fail to examine the merits of the worldrenowned SOHMER PIANOS and the "SOHMER-CECILIAN" Inside Players, which surpass all others. Warerooms, Cor. 5th Ave. 23d St. SOHMER & COMPANY, New York. THERE IS ONLY ONE SOAPINE Dees Twice as Much Work as any Cheaper Washing Powder WHALES FOR BEAUTIFUL FRAMED PICTURES SAVE THE Art Gallery: 134 W. 18th St., near Sixth Ave., N. Y. Jersey City Agency, 623 Ocean Avenue The Seventeenth Annual Entertainment and Reception of Loyola Union WILL BE HELD IN LEXINGTON OPERA HOUSE, ON THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 28th. Dr. William Francis Garner, Jr. DENTIST 140 EAST 92d STREET, cor. Lexington Ave. "The Mildred." 'PHONE, 3492-79th Hours, 9 to 7.30. Sundays, 9 to 2. Open Tuesday and Friday evenings till 9 My NATURAL METHOD of inserting teeth has been an "EYE OPENER" in the Dental Profession and a "Joy and Blessing" to all wearing the work. Ask them. I have now perfected a method whereby your OLD, LOOSE plates may be re-fitted and made absolutely tight at a trifling cost. Do not be discouraged if your plate does not work, bring it to me and have it TREATED. Dr. Edward Sabater Surgeon Dentist Established 1879 · 1224 PARK AVE. Moderate Prices Painless extraction of teeth by improved methods. Crown and bridge work. Whole or partial set of teeth embracing the most modern and scientific improvements No charge for examinations. Best of references from St. Francis de Sales parishioners. E. SABATER, D.D.S., Former Professor of N. Y. College of Dentistry E. Hansel's New Art Photo Studio Mme. E. Schwartz Telephone 4743-38th Fashionable Millinery Ladies' Own Material Made Up 1614 THIRD AVENUE, BET. 90th AND 91st STREETS mass. Marriages and Funerals should take place in the ruorning, with Timely notice of marriages should be given to the priest. Sick Calls-All sick calls are to be left at the Rectory, 230 East 90th street, by someone who can give an intelligent account of the case. They should be sent early in the day, if possible, and they will receive immediate attention. Blessing of Religious Articles-On the third Sunday of the month after the meeting of the Rosary Society. If the arti le be small, the priest will bless it 2 any time. Churching of Women-On Sundays or week days, after any of the low masses. Women coming to the church are requested to procue a wax candle, as other kinds may not be used in the Church services. Sunday School-Sunday morning after Mass for the girls. Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 for the boys. Pew Rents payable quarterly, in advance, January 1, April 1, July 1, and October I. Prayer Classes (for the little ones) every Sunday morning after the children's mass. Instruction Class every Tuesday after noon, at 3:30 in the Chapel, for all the public school children. THE SOCIETIES OF THE CHURCH The Rosary Society receives Holy Communion on the third Sunday of every month at the 8 o'clock mass, and meets after Vespers the same day. The Sodality of the Immaculate Heart of Mary meets on the second Tuesday of every month, at 8 p. m., and receives Holy Communion on the third Sunday at the 8 o'clock mass. The Holy Name Society receives Holy. Communion on the second Sunday of every month, at the 7 o'clock mass, and meets at 7:30 p. m. the same day. The Conference of St. Vincent de Paul! meets every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. The League of the Sacred Heart and Apostleship of Prayer meets on the first Friday of every month, at 8 pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every first Friday all day. Promoters meet on the Tuesda yafter the third Sunday of every month at 8 p. m. The receives St. Joseph Sodality Holy Communion on the Saturdays the preceding First Sunday of the month, and meets on the following day, at 3:45 p. m., in the Chapel. The Holy Angel's Sodality receives Holy Communion on the fourth Saturday of every month at the 8 o'clock mass, and meets in the School Hall at 3:30 p.m. the following Sunday. The Altar Boys' Society meets every Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in the Chapel. The Collectors of the Church Fund Association meet every Monday evening. The Junior Holy Name Society receives Holy Communion on the First Sunday of the month, at the 8 o'clock Mass, and meets in the lower church on the following Monday evening at 7:30 Established 1879 Moderate Prices Crown and bridge work. Fillings inserted without pain in the most improved manner. Whole or partial set of teeth embracing the most modern and scientific improvements No charge for examinations. Best of references from St. Francis de Sales parishioners. E. SABATER, D.D.S., Former Professor of N. Y. College of Dentistry E. Hansel's New Art Photo Studio Mme. E. Schwartz Fashionable Millinery Ladies' Own Material Made Up 1614 THIRD AVENUE, BET. 90th AND 91st STREETS |