صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

result. Every boy from 15 years of age and upwards is eligible for membership. The Holy Communion day is the first Sunday of each month, and the meeting of the society takes place on the following Monday evening, at 7:30. We cordially invite the boys and young men to attach themselves more closely to their church and parish by joining the Junior Branch of the Holy Name Society. It will bring them many blessings in the temporal and spiritual order, and it will be the means of saving them from many a snare during the most critical period of their lives.


Yes, we are pleased to say that we will have an Entertainment for the benefit of our Day Nursery, toward the end of the month, and Mr. McHugh is kind enough to again take charge of the evening and secure the talent for us. Will you be there?

We wish everyone in this parish to take a real interest in the Bazaar. which will be held in December. If poorer parishes can make a great suc

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Sisters of Notre Dame, New York Foundling Hospital,

St. Joseph's Asylum and Christian Brothers


Member of Father Nicot Council, 253, C. B. L.

Member Salve Regina, K. of C.


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Funeral Parlors: 245 East 90th Street, between 2d and 3d Avenues

Tel. 2922-79th


Second and Third-Class Passage Tickets on all Steamship Lines issued by th



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November is consecrated to the dead. "To pray for the dead" is a spiritual work of mercy. Every one of us has some one resting in "God's Acre" whom, at one time we counted as a friend, one whom we loved. May be a provident father, a dear mother, a loving brother or sister, a cherished relative.

There is not one who reads these lines who will not be reminded of a duty perhaps neglected of late. At least during November let the dead be lovingly remembered. The Irish Messenger pleads eloquently the cause of

the faithful departed. "Make friends of the holy souls," says the writer. "Pray for them, pray earnestly. Some day, sooner or later, the summons will arrive for each of us, too, to appear before the Judge and 'render an account of our stewardship,' and then we shall see, when it is too late, how little there has been of good in our lives to entitle us to the Kingdom of Heaven."

Prayers for the dead are acts of justice. Many a one of the departed is suffering because of us. We were partners in their sins; maybe we scan

dalized them, gave them the occasion, caused them to sin, and for which they must now atone, and suffer alone, because we will not help them; because we do not realize into what great distress and suffering we have plunged them. Let us awaken to a sense of justice. Let us pay our debt and not let others undergo a double and prolonged suffering simply on our


There are many suffering in Purgatory, who are dependent entirely on charity. Let us frequently pray for those departed left "to pay the last farthing," and who have no one here to make suffrage for them.

What Can We Do to Help? Adopt some pious practices, such as offering Holy Communion frequently, attending at Mass on week-days (if not every day, then at least once or twice a week), and, above all, if possible, have Mass offered sometimes for their repose. Say the rosary every day for them, using indulgenced beads, make the Stations of the Cross for their repose, and frequently during the day beg the Sacred Heart of Jesus to have mercy on them. It is unnecessary to suggest other practices, we all of us know what suits us best; only be faithful to the holy souls and you may be assured that they will not be outdone in generosity. They will obtain for you countless blessings and graces even in this life, and in the next they will never leave you, until by their prayers they have introduced you to the Kingdom of which St. Paul tells us, "That eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love Him."-I. Cor. ii., 9.

Through the Holy Souls

An acquaintance of ours, who lives in a distant city, has related to us an experience of his that should foster devotion to the souls in Purgatory.

It seems that he is employed in an office where there is a large force of

clerks. The superintendent under whom he worked denied to him a promotion that he deserved and needed, as his family is large. He had little or no opportunity to appeal to the proprietors of the concern. Consequently he was sorely tempted to hate the overseer.

About three weeks ago he went to confession to a Redemptorist Father and set forth his case in the matter.

The priest, after encouraging him to resist all feelings of animosity, said, in substance:

"Take courage, for I feel moved to say that you'll get that promotion and get it soon. Ask the help of the holy souls in Purgatory. Promise them

that you'll have a Mass-no, two Masses said for their relief just as soon as your salary is raised. Meanwhile, every day say some indulgenced prayers for them and perform some works of mercy, if you can, and ask God to give them the benefit of your good deeds. Put your promotion in their care."

The man did as he had been told. Every day he begged God to let the holy souls know that he asked their aid. Every day he did something for them, and besides, he repeated his pledge of two Masses when his petition should be granted. In less than two weeks he had the desired promotion.

November 1.

On this day the Church invites her children to honor all the Saints of Heaven, whether they be canonized or uncanonized. There are countless multitudes in heaven unknown to us, Saints who are not honored on special days. That they, also, may receive our congratulations, and we, the assistance of their intercession, this feast of general commemoration and reunion has been instituted. "In union there is strength," and we may expect much from the assistance of God's special friends when they unite in

making petition in our behalf. Let us, then, in thought, soar from earth to heaven, and there pass from Saint to Saint-from Mary, the Queen, to the lowliest virgin, and from Apostle to the unknown Confessor, begging assistance from all.




"It is the bounden duty of all Catholics," says Archbishop Messmer, "to support the parish school. obligation concerns all, whether they have children or not, for the school is an integral part of the parish. For this same reason every parish school ought to be a free school for all the children of the parish. All its expenses should be paid from the general and special revenues of the parish, just as in town or city the schools are supported and paid by the general taxation of all citizens, not of those alone whose children frequent the schools.

"Parents who, in obedience to the Church, send their children to the Catholic school have on that very account more expenses than others in providing clothing and books, etc., for these children; they should not be punished by being made to carry the burden alone. They are not the only ones to profit by the parish school, which is in reality a source of divine blessings for the whole parish and all the members. Hence the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore says (no. 202): 'With no less zeal and prudence should pastors root out from the mind of laymen that false opinion that the charge and support of the school belongs only to those members of the parish who directly and actually use it for their own children; let them clearly prove to such men that the blessed fruits and results springing from the faith and morality fostered in the parochial schools redound for the welfare of the whole community. ...... Hence let them provide with united efforts that the parish be always ready to meet the needs and expenses of the school.""

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William Winter, the dean of American dramatic critics, writes as follows or the theory that a drama which presents a vice in a disgusting manner is likely to have good moral effect:

"The logician who assumes that attitude might just as reasonably maintain that an open cesspool in a public place will exert a sanitary and salutary influence, by causing 'disgust' for a foul odor, and thus showing the people of the neighborhood the necessity of cleanliness and pure air. In each case, obviously, it is vulgar, odious, offensive, and hurtful. The outrage to the physical sense is on the surface, and evident; the outrage to the moral and spiritual sense is subtle; but though subtle, it is not less positive. The poet Lowell was aware of this, when he said with reference to the acting of Mme. Sara Bernhardt, that he would not attend the performance of such plays as she customarily presents ('La Tosca,' 'The Wife of Claude,' etc.), because he would. not allow his mind to be dragged in the gutter."

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