Intending purchasers of a STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS Piano, or Piano and Self-Player combined, should not fail to examine the merits of the worldrenowned SOHMER PIANOS and the "SOHMER-CECILIAN" Inside Players, which surpass all others. Catalogue mailed on application. 315 Fifth Ave., cor. 32d St. SOHMER & COMPANY, New York. THERE IS ONLY ONE THE Dirt Killer WILL NOT INJURE HANDS FABRIC PROVIDENCE #T SOAPINE Does Twice as Much Work as any Cheaper Washing Powder SAVE THE BEAUTIFUL FRAMED PICTURES WHALES FOR Art Gallery: 134 W. 18th St., near Sixth Ave., No Y Jersey City Agency, 623 Ocean Avenue APPROVED BY THE ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YORK Boys May Enter Between the Ages of Ten and Fourteen Years Terms: Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars a Year The College of St. Angela, New Rochelle, N. Y. The College of Saint Angela, founded in 1904, is the only Catholic College for women in New York State. It offers a four years' course leading to a bachelor's degree of art, science or music. Its graduates are recognized by the Regents of the State of New York, and by the Educational Department of New York City as having the same careful preparation given in the New York State colleges of highest rank. Special attention is given to the study of music and art. In the Extension centres, courses of college rank are given. trained for New York State and New York City licenses. Teachers are Extension Departments: New York Park Ave. and 93d Street; Brooklyn, Montrose and Graham Aves.; Albany, St. Patrick's Institute. THE REGULAR PUBLICATION, AND FREE DISTRIBUTION OF THIS MAGAZINE, IS MADE POSSIBLE ONLY THROUGH THE GENEROSITY OF THE BUSINESS PEOPLE, WHOSE ADVERTISEMENTS APPEAR IN ITS COLUMNS. IT IS EARNESTLY REQUESTED, THEREFORE, THAT THE PEOPLE OF THIS PARISH WILL STUDY THOSE ADVERTISEMENTS, AND PATRONIZE THE BUSINESS OF THE ADVERTISERS. Every month the PARISH MONTHLY enters hundreds of homes. The families that it visits are large. Their wants are innumerable and continuous. Their custom, if concentrated on the firms that advertise here, would make those merchants rich. They can help us, as well as themselves, by dealing with our friends who rent our publicity to ask for their patronage. Let them say, when making a purchase: "I saw your advertisement in the PARISH MONTHLY and that is why I came here to buy," and they will re ceive extra courteous treatment. They will also do the Monthly a service. The advertisements that appear in the Monthly are an indispensable factor in the achievement of the publication's success. As they help it, it wants to help them. It does help them by introducing them to an army of customers. It is anxious for them to get the full benefit of their advertisements. asks its readers to patronize them deliberately and persistently. Dr. William Francis Garner, Jr. DENTIST 140 EAST 92d STREET, cor. Lexington Ave. "The Mildred." 'PHONE, 3492-79th Hours, 9 to 7.30. Sundays, 9 to 2. Open Tuesday and Friday evenings till 9 My NATURAL METHOD of inserting teeth has been an "EYE OPENER" in the Dental Profession and a "Joy and Blessing" to all wearing the work. Ask them. I have now perfected a method whereby your OLD, LOOSE plates may be re-fitted and made absolutely tight at a trifling cost. Do not be discouraged if your plate does not work, bring it to me and have it TREATED. It (Cont. from page 3) 88 Anna Dowling, 84 Grade 3-A. Anna Lane, 80 Ellen Donovan Margaret Hinchy Marv Burke Helena Maier Boys' Dept. Grade 8-A. Grade 2-B. Grade 6-A. Richard McCabe, 92 Maurice O'Connor, 81 Thos. Tereminelli, 92 Grade 5-B. William Fagan, 94% William Casey, 89% Marion Mischke, 91 John Johnson, 88 Grade 3-B. Daniel O'Connor, 97 Grade 2-B. Charles Da Bruzzo, 83 Patrick Duffy, 98% Grade 3-A. Martin Cunningham, |