ORDER OF SERVICES IN CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF GOOD Masses-On Sunday: At 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, On Holy Days: Masses at 5:30, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 o'clock a. m. On Week Days: Masses at 7, 7:30 and 8 o'clock a. m. (unless otherwise announced). On the first Friday of the month the first mass is at 6 o'clock a. m. Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed p. m. Confessions are heard every morning after each mass; on Saturdays from 4 to 10 o'clock p. m., on the Vigils of Holy Days and on the eve of the first Friday of each month, beginning at 4 o'clock. The members of St. Joseph's Sodality and of the Holy Angel's Sodality go to confession on Friday afternoons. Baptisms-On Sundays from 4 to 6, and from 7 to 8:30 p. m.; on week days at any hour previously arranged. The father should be present at the baptism of his child, and there should be two sponsors, whom the Church requires to be Catholics. Marriages and Funerals should take place in the ruorning, with mass. Timely notice of marriages should be given to the priest. Sick Calls-All sick calls are to be left at the Rectory, 230 East 90th street, by someone who can give an intelligent account of the case. They should be sent early in the day, if possible, and they will receive immediate attention. Blessing of Religious Articles-On the third Sunday of the month after the meeting of the Rosary Society. If the article be small, the priest will bless it at any time. Churching of Women-On Sundays or week days, after any of the low masses. Women coming to the church are requested to procure a wax candle, as other kinds may not be used in the Church services. Sunday School-Sunday morning after Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 for the boys. Pew Rents payable quarterly, in advance, I. Instruction Class every Tuesday after noon, at 3:30 in the Chapel, for all the public school children. THE SOCIETIES OF THE CHURCH The Rosary Society receives Holy Communion on the third Sunday of every month at the 8 o'clock mass, and meets after Vespers the same day. The Holy Name Society receives Holy Communion on the second Sunday of every month, at the 7 o'clock mass, and meets at 7:30 p. m. the same day. The Sodality of the Immaculate Heart of Mary meets on the second Tuesday of every month, at 8 p. m., and receives Holy Communion on the third Sunday at the 8 o'clock mass. The Conference of St. Vincent de Paul The League of the Sacred Heart and Joseph Sodality receives Holy Communion on the Saturday preceding the First Sunday of the month, and meets on the following day, at 3:45 p. m., in the Chapel. The Holy Angel's Sodality receives Holy Communion on the fourth Saturday of every month at the 8 o'clock mass, and meets in the School Hall at 3:30 p.m. the following Sunday. The Altar Boys' Society meets every Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in the Chapel. The Collectors of the Church Fund As sociation meet every Monday evening. The Junior Holy Name Society receives Holy Communion on the First Sunday of the month, at the 8 o'clock Mass, and meets in the lower church on the following Monday evening at 7:30 Fish and Oyster Market 167 E. 87th ST., Bet. Lexington and Third Aves. Tel. 725 Lenox JOSEPH H. SELG, Proprietor. Choice Meats, Poultry and Game 1646 Second Ave., bet. 85th and 86th Sts. Ur-TOWN AGENCY Patrick McKenna Authorized Agent for the following Steamship Lines: Telephone, 2196 79 TEL. 3680-Lenox American Line, Anchor Line, Allen State, Cunard and White Star Lines Fire and Plate Glass Insurance Broker. Drafts payable in all parts of Europe at the lowest exchange rates Undertaker and Embalmer 1597 THIRD AVENUE, Between 89th and 90th Streets. Our Advertisers The readers of the PARISH MONTHLy are requested by it to examine the advertisements appearing in it and to deal with the stores that thereby seek their trade. Every month the PARISH MONTHLY enters hundreds of homes. The families that it visits are large. Their wants are innumerable and continuous. Their custom, if concentrated on the firms that advertise here, would make those merchants rich. They can help us, as well as themselves, by dealing with our friends who rent our publicity to ask for their patronage. Let them say, when making a purchase: "I saw your advertisement in the PARISH MONTHLY and that is why I came here to buy," and they will receive extra courteous treatment. They will also do the Monthly a service. The advertisements that appear in the Monthly are an indispensable factor in the achievement of the publication's success. As they help it, it wants to help them. It does help them by introducing them to an army of customers. It is anxious for them to get the full benefit of their advertisements. It asks its readers to patronize them deliberately and persistently. Telephone Call, 905 Plaza DENTIST TO. Established 1876 Sisters of Notre Dame, New York Foundling Hospital, 3. St. Joseph's Asylum and Christian Brothers DR. JOSEPH KUHN Member of Father Nicot Council, 253, C. B. L. Member Salve Regina, K. of C. DENTIST... 1540-1542 FIRST AVENUE 1454 SECOND AVENUE Telephone Connection 1730 SECOND AVENUE, Cor. goth St. COR. JACKSON AVE. AND HOME ST. |