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النشر الإلكتروني

ined to give battle at this point, and early in the evening of the 1st, issued orders to all corps to concentrate at Gettysburg, directing all trains to be sent to the rear at Westminster.

ridge, distant from the line occupied by us from a mile to a mile and a half.

"At two P.M. the sixth corps arrived, after a march of thirty-two miles, accomplished from nine A.M. the day previous. On its arrival being reported, I immediately directed the fifth corps to move over to our extreme left, and the sixth to occupy its place as a reserve for the right. About three P.M. I rode out to the extreme left to await the arrival of the fifth corps and post it, when I found that Major-General Sickles, commanding the third corps, not fully apprehending the instructions in regard to the position to be occupied, had advanced, or rather was in the act of advancing his corps a half mile or three-quarters of a mile in front of the line of the second corps, on the prolongation of which it was designed his corps should rest. Having found Major-General Sickles, I was explaining to him that he was too far in advance, and discussing with him the propriety of withdrawing, when the enemy opened upon him with several batteries on his front and his flank, and immediately brought forward columns of infantry, and made a vigor

"At eleven P.M. of the 1st of July I broke up my headquarters, which till then had been at Taneytown, and proceeded to the field, arriving there at one A.M. of the 2d. So soon as it was light I proceeded to inspect the position occupied, and to make arrangements for posting several corps as they should reach the ground. By seven A.M., the second and fifth corps, with the rest of the third, had reached the ground and were posted as follows: The eleventh corps retained its position on the cemetery side, just opposite to the town. The first corps was posted on the right of the eleventh, on an elevated knoll, connecting with the ridge extending to the south and east, on which the second corps was placed. The right of the twelfth corps rested on a small stream at a point where it crossed the Baltimore pike, and which formed on the right flank of the twelfth something of an obstacle. Cemetery Ridge extended in a westerly and southerly direction, gradu-ous assault. The third corps sustained ally diminishing in elevation till it came to a very prominent ridge, called Roundtop, running east and west. The second and third corps were directed to occupy the continuation of Cemetery Ridge, on the left of the eleventh corps. The fifth corps, pending the arrival of the sixth, was held in reserve. While these dis- Major-General Sykes' command impositions were being made, the enemy mediately sending a force to occupy was massing his troops on the exterior | Round-top Ridge, a most furious con

the shock most heroically. Troops from the second corps were immediately sent by Major-General Hancock to cover the right flank of the third corps, and soon after the assault commenced, the fifth corps most fortunately arrived, and took position on the left of the third.

test was maintained, the enemy making desperate but unsuccessful efforts to secure it. Notwithstanding the stubborn resistance of the third corps, under Major-General Birney, Major-General Sickles having been wounded early in the action, the superiority in number of corps in the enemy enabling him to outflank its advance position, General Birney was counselled to fall back and re-form behind the line originally designed to be held. In the mean time, perceiving great exertions on the part of the enemy, the sixth corps (MajorGeneral Sedgwick's) and part of the first corps (to the command of which I had assigned Major-General Newton), particularly Lockwood's Maryland brigade, together with detachments from the second corps, were all brought up at different periods, and succeeded, together with the gallant resistance of the fifth corps, in checking, and finally repulsing the assault of the enemy, who retired in confusion and disorder about sunset, and ceased any further efforts.

"On the extreme left another assault was, however, made about eight P.M. on the eleventh corps from the left of the town, which was repulsed with the assistance of the troops from the second and first corps. During the heavy assault upon our extreme left, portions of the twelfth corps were sent as reinforcements. During their absence, the line on the extreme right was held by a very much reduced force. This was taken advantage of by the enemy, who, during the absence of Geary's division of the twelfth corps, advanced and occupied

part of the line. On the morning of the 3d, General Geary, having returned during the night, was attacked at early dawn by the enemy, but succeeded in driving him back and occupying his former position. A spirited contest was maintained all morning along this part of the line, General Geary, reinforced by Wheaton's brigade, sixth corps, maintained his position and inflicted very severe losses on the enemy. With this exception the quiet of the lines remained undisturbed till one P.M. on the 3d, when the enemy opened from over 125 guns, playing upon our centre and left. This cannonade continued for over two hours, when our guns failing to make any reply, the enemy ceased firing, and soon his masses of infantry became visible, forming for an assault on our left and left centre. The assault was made with great firmness, being directed principally against the point occupied by the second corps, and was repelled with equal firmness by the troops of that corps, supported by Doubleday's division and Stannard's brigade of the first corps.

[blocks in formation]

1st, was, on the 2d, sent to Westminster enemy by a flank movement, and acto refit and guard our trains. Kil- cordingly, leaving McIntosh's brigade patrick's division, that on the 29th, of cavalry and Neil's brigade of infantry 30th, and 1st, had been successfully engaging the enemy's cavalry, was on the 3d sent to our extreme left, on the Emmettsburg road, where good service was rendered in assaulting the enemy's line and occupying his attention. At the same time General Gregg was engaged with the enemy on our extreme right, having passed across the Baltimore pike and Bonaughtown road, and boldly attacked the enemy's left and


"On the morning of the 4th, a reconnoissance developed that the enemy had drawn back his left flank, but maintained his position in front of our left, apparently assuming a new line parallel to the mountain.

"On the morning of the 5th, it was ascertained that the enemy was in full retreat by the Fairfield and Cashtown roads. The sixth corps was immediately sent in pursuit on the Fairfield road, and cavalry on the Cashtown road, and by the Emmettsburg and Monterey Passes.

"The 5th and 6th of July were employed in succoring the wounded and burying the dead. Major-General Sedgwick, commanding the sixth corps, having pushed the pursuit of the enemy as far as the Fairfield Pass and the mountains, and reporting that the Pass was very strong-one in which a small force of the enemy could hold in check and delay for a considerable time any pursuing force-I determined to follow the

to continue harassing the enemy, I put the army in motion for Middletown, and orders were immediately sent to MajorGeneral French, at Frederick, to reoccupy Harper's Ferry, and send a force to occupy Turner's Pass in South Mountain. I subsequently ascertained that Major-General French had not only anticipated these orders, in part, but had pushed a cavalry force to Williamsport and Falling Waters, where they destroyed the enemy's pontoon bridge and captured its guard. Buford was, at the same time, sent to Williamsport and Hagerstown. The duty above assigned to the cavalry was most successfully accomplished, the enemy being greatly harassed, his trains destroyed, and many captures of guns and prisoners made.

"After halting a day at Middletown to procure necessary supplies and bring up trains, the army moved through South Mountain, and by the 12th of July was in front of the enemy, who occupied a strong position on the heights near the marsh which runs in advance of Williamsport. In taking this position, several skirmishes and affairs had been had with the enemy, principally by the cavalry and the eleventh and sixth corps. The thirteenth was occupied in reconnoissances of the enemy's position and in preparations for an attack; but on advancing on the morning of the 14th, it was ascertained that he had retired the night previous by the bridge at

Falling Waters and ford at Williamsport. by the way of Strasburg. The ConThe cavalry in pursuit overtook the rear- federate army retiring to the Rapidan, guard at Falling Waters, capturing two a position was taken with this army on guns and numerous prisoners. Previous the line of the Rappahannock, and the to the retreat of the enemy, Gregg's campaign terminated about the close of division of cavalry was crossed at July. Harper's Ferry, and coming up with the rear of the enemy at Charlestown and Shepherdstown, had a spirited contest, in which the enemy was driven to Martinsburg and Winchester, and pursued and harassed in his retreat.

"The result of the campaign may be briefly stated in the defeat of the enemy at Gettysburg, his compulsory evacuation of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and his withdrawal from the upper valley of the Shenandoah; and in the capture of 3 guns, 41 standards, and 13,621 prisoners. 24,978 small-arms were collected on the battle-field. Our own losses were very severe, amounting, as will be seen by the accompanying return, to 2,834 killed, 13,709 wounded, and 6,643 missing-in all 23,186."

"The pursuit was resumed by a flank movement of the army crossing the Potomac at Berlin and moving down the Loudon Valley. The cavalry were immediately pushed into several passes of the Blue Ridge, and having learned from servants of the withdrawal of the Confederate army from the lower valley of the Shenandoah, the army (the third corps, Major-General French, being in advance) was moved into Manassas Gap in the hope of being able to intercept a portion of the enemy in possession of the Gap, which was disputed so successfully as to enable the rear-guard to withdraw taken prisoners.


The strength of the two armies after the first day was about equal, the amount of each available force being computed at about 105,000 of all arms. The loss of the enemy in the battle has been estimated as high as 5,500 killed, 21,000 wounded, and 14,000


Life of General Meade.-His Military Education, Career, and Services.-The Victory of Gettysburg gained under unfavorable circumstances.-Great credit due to Meade.-What would have been the Consequences of a Defeat at Gettysburg. The North ill-prepared for Defence.-Political Inquietude.-Alarm at the North at the Prospect of Lee's Invasion.-The People Arming at last.-Action of Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania.-The People of Pennsylvania slow to move.-Their Excitement and Alarm.-What was done by the Pennsylvanians.-President Lincoln calls out the Militia.-His Proclamation.-Proclamations of the Governors.--Prompt Response of New York and New Jersey. Their Militia early in the Field.


GENERAL MEADE, who had so signally | quently, after bearing a distinguished illustrated his assumption of the part in the battle of Monterey, was command of the Army of the brevetted a first lieutenant, dating from Potomac by the great victory of Gettys- September 23, 1846. In August, 1851, burg, was born in Spain, in 1815. His he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, parents, who were Americans, were re- and on the 19th of May, 1856, to a siding at the time of his birth in Barce- captaincy, which rank he held at the lona. After their return to the United beginning of the rebellion. When the States, one of their sons entered the call was made by the President for navy, and the other, George C. Meade, 300,000 volunteers, Captain Meade was the present General, became, in 1831, a appointed one of the brigade commandcadet at West Point. He graduated on ers of the division of Pennsylvania the 30th of June, 1835, number nine- troops under General McCall, and raised teen, in a large class. On the 1st of to the rank of brigadier-general of July, 1835, he was appointed a brevet volunteers, with a commission dating second lieutenant in the Third Artillery, August 31, 1861. When McCall's diviand in December following was promoted sion was organized at Tenallytown, near to the full rank. On the 26th of Washington, General Meade commanded October, 1836, he resigned and engaged the second brigade, and joined effectively in some civil occupation, in which he in the work. remained until the 19th of May, 1842, when he re-entered the U. S. military service with the appointment of second lieutenant of Topographical Engineers. Serving during the war with Mexico, he was honorably mentioned in the official reports for his good conduct at the battle of Palo Alto, and subse

In the advance of the Army of the Potomac toward Manassas, in March, 1862, the division in which General Meade commanded was attached to the first corps, under General McDowell, with whom it remained north of the Rappahannock, until after the battle of Hanover Station. The division now

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