MULFUZĀT TIMURY, OR AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS OF THE MOGHUL EMPEROR TIMUR, WRITTEN IN THE JAGTAY TURKY LANGUAGE, TURNED INTO PERSIAN BY ABU TALIB HUSSYNY, AND TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY MAJOR CHARLES STEWART, LATE PROFESSOR OF ORIENTAL LANGUAGES IN THE HONOURABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S COLLEGE. PRINTED FOR THE ORIENTAL TRANSLATION COMMITTEE, AND SOLD BY J. MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET; PARBURY, ALLEN AND CO. LEADENHALL STREET; AND HOWELL AND STEWART, HOLBORN. 1830. Hyper 11-22-32 26925 TO COLONEL DAVY, TRACEY PARK, SOMERSETSHIRE. DEAR SIR, As the Public are indebted to your late Father not only for his able Translation of the Institutes of the Emperor Timūr, but also for his having with much perseverance procured and first brought to Europe an authentic copy of the Memoirs of that Monarch, I have much pleasure in dedicating to you my Translation of those Memoirs, in hopes of assisting in some degree to transmit to posterity so meritorious a name. Bath, May, 1830. I have the honour to be, Dear Sir, your obedient humble servant, CHARLES STEWART. |