ΟΝ ΤΗНЕ PROPHECIES, Which have remarkably been fulfilled, By THOMAS NEWTON, D. D. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOLUME the THIRD. THE THIRD EDITΙΟΝ. LONDON: Printed for J. and R. TONSON in the Strand. MDCCLXVI. Zige LORD ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. My LORD, THE HE very favorable opinion that your GRACE was pleased to express of the first part of this work, encourages me to set forth this last under your patronage and protection. This last is the most difficult, but yet it has been to me the most entertaining part of all. How it may approve itself to your GRACE and others, I cannot pretend to say: but having been perused by the same three eminently learned perfons as the former volumes, it may be prefumed on that account to be less unfit for me to offer, and for Your GRACE to receive. At the same time it affords me an additional pleasure in giving me an opportunity of acknowleging publicly my obligations to your GRACE for favors great in themselves, but made much greater by your handsome manner of conferring them, unfollicited, unasked, unexpected. I will not say undeserved, because that would be calling Your GRACE's judgment in question; but I will endevor to deserve them: and indeed I should think any preferment ill bestowed upon me, that did not incite and animate me more to profecute my studies, and thereby to prove myself more worthy of Your GRACE's favor and kindness to, THE CONTENTS OF THЕ THIRD VOLUME. DISSERTATION XXIV. An ANALYSIS of the REVELATION. IN TWO PARTS. PART I. P. 1-200. This Very useful to trace the rife and progress of religi- A 3 |