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النشر الإلكتروني

Paragraph II.


1. Seventy weeks are equal to 603 years, and 1260 days, or 180 weeks, will equal 1551%, and adding this to 325, A. D., and we are carried down to 1876 or 1877.

2. As 70 weeks are equal to 5229 years, 1260 days, or 180 weeks, will equal 1344 years and a little over three sevenths, and dating this at 532, A. D., we are again brought to 1876 or 1877, A. D. Of course we may look for the overthrow of state dominion in the church universally, by about this time. There may, however, be another spiritual interpretation of the 1260 days, and it is very possible they may end from about 1862 to 1865, if not earlier; we have no certainty of this, and can only reason upon it by analogy. As this present time is the last vial period, we need be astonished at nothing occurring in the way of revolutions in Europe. The destruction of the empire church throughout Europe will certainly transpire before the fall of monarchy; and as monarchy will all go down before 1878, we may look for the overthrow of the Roman church very soon after Russia conquers Turkey.


1290 DAYS-1760 YEARS.

These days are spoken of in Daniel xii. They are there shown as a partial interpretation of the three and a half times, and represented the time during which the POWER of the holy people, or Christian Israel, was to be depressed. At their end this power or nationality was to revive, and ultimately fill the world. Their end is the beginning of "the time of the end," which extends to the end of the 1335 days. The time at which they

were to be dated, is stated to be at the cessation of the daily sacrifice. This occurrence took place on the 17th of Panemus, A. D. 68; that is, on the 189th day of that year. We place the date at this day because the seventy weeks ended on the 97th day of A. D. 68; and that day coincides with the 14th of Nisan, when the last passover of the Hebrews was celebrated at Jerusalem; and on which day, according to Josephus, the Romans encamped at the city. History does not state positively, that this 97th day of A. D. 68, was the 14th of Nisan, nor does it deny it; and it is certain that the date can not be from the true point more than twelve days. For the Grecian mode of intercalation, then prevailing in Judea, and the 14th of Nisan having been on the 25th of March, or the 85th day of the year A. D., 29, as we have seen, there could be no greater variation. Now, as the 70 weeks were to end at the invasion of Judea, and as they end on the 97th day of 68, and, as the Roman army camped at Jerusalem on the 14th of Nisan, the 14th of Nisan must coincide with the 97th day of 68, where these weeks ended. Again; the perfect harmony of this assumption, with all the interpretations of the other symbolic periods, is a full confirmation of this position.


First Interpretation.-The 1290 days are composed of three times 430 years, or of 3 times 360 years. Now, the 70 weeks, we know, are resolvable into 430 years, and, of course, the 430 years must equal some value of the 70 weeks. Now, 70 weeks are equal to 490 years, and three times this equals 1470; then, adding Sabbatic time, or one seventh, and we have 1680. Then, as 360 stands for the year of 366 days, if 360 equal 366, then 1680 will equal 1708 years exactly.

Second Interpretation.-As all the forms of the 70 weeks are resolvable into each other, and as 480 is one form, we may multiply it by 3, since 1290 is 3% of


360; we then have 480×3,7= =1720. Again, if to 430 we add Sabbatic time, or one sixth, we have 4913; and, multiplying this by 3, we have 1474 years; and, adding Sabbatic time, we have 1720 years. From this we see, again, that the values of the weeks are interchangeable. Now, as the 70 weeks equal 520 years, and, as 3 times this equals 1560, if we add one seventh of it to 3 times 490, or 3 times 420, that is, to 1470, we shall have 16922; now, dividing 1560 by 104, for extra sacred time, and we have 15, which, added to the above, gives 1707 years, or 1707 years 314 days. Now, the 1290 days were to be dated from the setting up of the abomination of desolation, as well as from the cessation of the daily sacrifice; and this may well be settled as having fully occurred at the burning of Jerusalem, on the 8th of Elul, or 239th day of 68, A. D. The two dates at which these 1290 days were to begin are, then, respectively, the 189th day, and 239th day, of 68. Dating the first length, or 1708 years, at the former, and we are brought exactly to July 4th, 1776; and, dating the latter at the 239th day, we are also brought to July 4th, 1776.



stands for 366 Now, if this be

If to 1335 we add Sabbatic, and then Sabbath time, we shall have 1780 years. Then 360 civil years; 1780 will stand for 1809%. dated from the attack and burning of the city, or 68, A. D., 239 days, we are carried down to A. D. 1878, and to the 117th day. At the close of these days, the scattering of the power of the Christians was to be entirely completed, so that the governments of Europe will be

changed into a Christian democracy by that year. The last end of the three and a half times will also close with them, as the 1290 and 1335 days are but an interpretation of the three and a half times of the Gentiles.

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Revelation xi., xiii. This period is said to be the length of time the Gentiles should tread the holy city under foot, and the time during which the beast with the wounded head was to continue. These months are plainly an abbreviated year of months, for their very number indicates this fact. If we add to these Sabbatic time, we have 49 months, and if we add other sacred time, or 3 months, we have 52 months.

First Interpretation.-If we estimate the 52 months. as consisting of four weeks, or 28 days each, we shall have 1456 days or years. Then, esteeming these as representing years of 364 days each, and multiplying them by this sum, we have 529,984 days.

Second Interpretation.—If the months be supposed to consist of 30 days each, we shall have 42× 30=1260 days, and 49 × 30=1470 days; and 52×30=1560 days.

Then, as 70 weeks equal 483 years 250 days, 1470 days, or 210 weeks, will equal 1451 years and 17 days, or 529,984 days. And, as 70-411, and as this equals 151,424 days, then 1260 days, or 180 weeks, will equal 1243 years 277 days. And, as 70 weeks equal 490 years, and as 490 equal 176,661 days, then 1560 will equal 562,432 days, or 1539 years and 312 days.

Third Interpretation.-As in the interpretation of the 70 weeks, we saw that 7 weeks were equal to an additional value of 14 weeks, then 42 months will equal 481§.

Now, multiplying this sum by 30 days, the number of days in a month, and we have 1451 years and one week.

Fourth Interpretation.--As 132,496 days are a year of years, or 364×364, the one month will equal one twelfth of this value, or 11,0414 days. If, now, we add Sabbatic time to the 42 months, or one seventh of 42 to itself, we shall have 48 months; then multiplying 48 months by 11,0413 days, and we again have 529,984 days.

The time when the spiritual Gentiles began to tread down the true church of God, and the time when the beast with the wounded head received a seat from the dragon was, unquestionably, at the union of church and state. This union had two great epochs; the first begins at the session of the first Nicene Council, June 19th, 325; and the second was at the reorganization of Roman law, between A. D. 529, and 534. Now, in 529,984 days after this union began to exist, it was to begin to cease; and, as from this 19th of June, 325, to 4th of July, 1776, was just exactly 529,984 days, and as on that day church and state union did begin to cease, on a most tremendous scale, at the declaration of American independence, it is inevitably true that the rise of the United States was looked to, by prophecy, as the great beginning of the cessation of spiritual and, also, of political despotism. This last must be true, because political despotism can not exist without spiritual despotism of some kind, as its great coadjutor. If, now, we subtract 1243 years and 277 days from July 4th, or 1776 and 186 days, we are carried back to the last day of September, or first of October, 532. And as consummation of church and state union was between 529 and 534, it seems that 532 is the date, or epoch, at which prophecy begins the 42 months. Again; as 42 months equal 1539 years and 312 days, if we date them at June 19th, 325, we are carried forward to the 27th of April,

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