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النشر الإلكتروني

The coincidences between these two great periods are more numerous than between any other typical and antitypical period whatever, excepting that of the same typical period and the epoch of Christianity. We may premise here, that it should be specially recollected that like things always typify their like: thus, a person used as a type typifies a person; an event typifies an event; a thing typifies a thing; a country typifies a country; a period typifies a period; a church typifies a church; a state typifies a state; a bondage typifies a bondage; a deliverance typifies a deliverance; a probation typifies a probation; a war typifies a war; a priest typifies a priest, and a king typifies a king.

We now notice, more at large, the points of correspondence between the Hebrew period of deliverance and the Christian period.

1. The children of "the free woman," or Hebrews, were freed by the exodus from the servitude of Egypt; and so the children of the free woman or Christian liberalists, were, by the great exodus to America, freed from the bondage of "spiritual Egypt and Sodom." Let it ever be fixed in the mind, that Christians are the seed of Abraham, or the free woman, and full heirs of the promises.

2. The Hebrews were pursued by the oppressor, and he was vanquished; and so the liberalists were pursued by the oppressor, and he was vanquished.

3. The Hebrews crossed a sea to get rid of bondage, and so did the Christians in coming to America.

4. The Hebrews sought the land promised to their paternal head, and so the Christians, in their exodus to America, came to the land promised to Japhet, their paternal head.

5. At the destruction of the Egyptian tyrant's forces, Israel decreed a general thanksgiving to God, and so when the modern Pharaoh was defeated, a general thanksgiving was decreed by the American Congress. Songs and shouts, and all the demonstrations of exultation, joined with Miriam to celebrate Jehovah's name, and so songs and shouts, bonfires, illuminations, ringing of bells, tears of rapture, devout worship, and lofty thanksgiving celebrated the same Jehovah's praise through all our land. The Hebrew exodus was a short period, but the American one extends from 1607 to 1783.

6. According to Dr. Adam Clarke, and others, the number of the Hebrews that escaped from bondage was about three millions; and the number of people in the revolutionary colonies, in 1776, was about three millions.

7. The sea was frozen when the Hebrews reached the safe side, and the Pilgrim Fathers found a frozen sea, and a snow covered shore, when they landed in America. This may or may not have been an accidental, and not a providential correspondence.

8. The Hebrews were organized as a confederacy of thirteen tribes, and so there were thirteen colonies providentially organized into a Christian confederacy. Israel's tribes are called twelve, but out of Joseph there sprung two tribes who received an inheritance, thus making thirteen. It is also remarkable, that William Penn was proprietor of two colonies, Pennsylvania and Delaware. As Joseph was imprisoned, and yet had a double and birthright portion on account of his virtue, so William Penn suffered imprisonment for his virtue,

and yet had a double portion of the great anti-typical Israel.

9. The Hebrew exodus was into a wilderness which was to be inherited as a part of the promised land; and so the exodus of the Christians was to a wilderness, which was a noble portion of Japhet's promised inheritance.

10. The Hebrew confederacy was organized into a "more perfect union" after the exodus, by adopting a written democratic constitution: and so the confederate colonies, after the war of independence, "in order to form a more perfect union," adopted a written representative democratic federative constitution. The Hebrew consti

tution was submitted to the tribes for acceptance and ratification; and so was the American constitution. It is not a little remarkable, that the Hebrew and American constitutions are the only two written ones ever known to have been adopted at the birth of any nationality, prior to 1776.

11. The Hebrew nationality grew out of the Hebrew church, or the seed of Abraham; and so the American nationality grew out of the Christian church, and the seed of Abraham. All of the Americans were not Christians at the framing of the constitution, and so were not all of the Hebrews pious, as their culpable unbelief shows. Yet the unbelieving Hebrews enjoyed the same political benefits as did the faithful, and so it was with the Americans. About one hundred and fortyfour thousand Christians were in America at the Revolution, yet the prevalence of Christian maxims and principles was universal, and the virtuous political principles avowed by the Christians were adopted by all classes.

12. Church and state were disunited by the Hebrew constitution and placed in the relation of associates. The church was debarred, as a church, from exercising direct control in civil affairs, and so it was in the American constitution. Many persons have either ignorantly or willfully mistaken the relations which the Hebrew church and state held to each other. Some mistakes may have occurred on account of the fact, that, as some laws were alike political and spiritual, it was supposed consequently that all laws were so. The Sabbath, the Sabbatic and jubilee years, and the rite of circumcision, were regulations of both a spiritual and secular nature. But with us the Sabbath illustrates the case of these laws, for we regard it as both a sacred and a secular institution: as a secular institution, its observance is compelled as a day of repose to wearied nature, and to prevent oppressors from grinding the poor to death by ceaseless toil; and also to give vigor to the general operations of society by the universal refreshment it bestows. The civil arm has with us no right to compel its observance as a spiritual institution, and should have none. Precisely so was it in the Hebrew law. The civil power was not the head of the Hebrew church, as the monarchs of Rome, Russia, and England have been of the Roman, Greek, and English churches. Neither the Shaphetim nor kings of Israel could appoint a high priest of the church; nor could the priesthood compel the paying of tithes, or the offering of sacrifices, nor require the secular arm to do it. In spiritual matters the Hebrew was responsible only to God and to the ecclesiastical law of the church, and was in no way responsible to civil authority for his spiritual conduct.

Now the United States Constitution puts religion in just the same relation to civil authority that God ordered it, in the days of Moses.

The disunion of church and state is the great prophetic epoch of liberty and progress according to both Daniel and St. John. It is the beginning of the end of despotism, and when it fully prevails the "time of the end" will close, and despotism will forever cease on earth.

The two separate departments of religion and politics in the Hebrew confederacy exactly coincide with these two departments in our country.

13. The political offices of the Hebrews were elective, and not hereditary, and so it is in our government.

14. Their government was not originally an aristocratic republic; the people decided in general assembly all questions of war, treaties, and peace, and Moses always appealed to the whole, and not to the few aristocrats, to accept or reject his propositions. Josephus says it was an aristocratic republic, but it is plain that he must speak of the executive department of the government, and not of the legislative. We might in a similar manner call our government an aristocratic republic. The term aristocratic meant, anciently, the best; it now signifies, in an odious sense, the worst.

15. The people of Israel chose God as their only king, and renounced allegiance to all other monarchs by acclamation, and so did the people of the United States.

16. The Hebrew constitution recognized the institution of Hametic bondage, and so does the American constitution.

17. The Hebrew constitution forbid foreigners ever becoming supreme magistrates, and so does the American.

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