Tackling Social Exclusion

الغلاف الأمامي
Routledge, 02‏/09‏/2003 - 272 من الصفحات

The concept of social exclusion is a central focus of goverment policy and is rapidly moving to the core of practitioner activity. This textbook shows how social workers can combat the social exclusion experienced by service users and at the same time promote social inclusion. Tackling Social Exclusion covers:

  • the meanings of social exclusion and the common elements of practice needed to reverse it
  • the skills needed when working with specific groups of people including children and families, young people and vulnerable adults
  • the neighbourhood dimension in social exclusion
  • the link between 'race' and ethnic minorities and social exclusion and the implications of the Macpherson Report for practice
  • how service agencies can change their organisation to promotie inclusion
  • how to work with communities to effect change

Each chapter is grounded in real practice examples and explores through activities, case studies and exercises how the perspective of social exclusion is changing social work today.

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