Forbidden Fruit : Sex & Religion in the Lives of American Teenagers: Sex & Religion in the Lives of American TeenagersOxford University Press, USA, 05/02/2007 - 304 من الصفحات Americans remain deeply ambivalent about teenage sexuality. Many presume that such uneasiness is rooted in religion. But how exactly does religion contribute to the formation of teenagers' sexual values and actions? What difference, if any, does religion make in adolescents' sexual attitudes and behaviors? Are abstinence pledges effective? What does it mean to be "emotionally ready" for sex? Who expresses regrets about their sexual activity and why? Tackling these and other questions, Forbidden Fruit tells the definitive story of the sexual values and practices of American teenagers, paying particular attention to how participating in organized religion shapes sexual decision-making. Merging analyses of three national surveys with stories drawn from interviews with over 250 teenagers across America, Mark Regnerus reviews how young people learn-and what they know-about sex from their parents, schools, peers and other sources. He examines what experiences teens profess to have had, and how they make sense of these experiences in light of their own identities as religious, moral, and responsible persons. Religion can and does matter, Regnerus finds, but religious claims are often swamped by other compelling sexual scripts. Particularly interesting is the emergence of what Regnerus calls a new middle class sexual morality which has little to do with a desire for virginity but nevertheless shuns intercourse in order to avoid risks associated with pregnancy and STDs. And strikingly, evangelical teens aren't less sexually active than their non-evangelical counterparts, they just tend to feel guiltier about it. In fact, Regnerus finds that few religious teens have internalized or are even able to articulate the sexual ethic taught by their denominations. The only-and largely ineffective-sexual message most religious teens are getting is, "Don't do it until you're married." Ultimately, Regnerus concludes, religion may influence adolescent sexual behavior, but it rarely motivates sexual decision making. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 44
الصفحة viii
... person interviews , in- cluding Tim Cupery , Kenda Dean , Dan Dehanas , Korie Edwards , Richard Flory , Phil Schwadel , Youn - ok Lee , Norm Peart , Darci Powell , Demetrius Semien , Steve Vaisey , Ria Van Ryn , and Eve Veliz . I am ...
... person interviews , in- cluding Tim Cupery , Kenda Dean , Dan Dehanas , Korie Edwards , Richard Flory , Phil Schwadel , Youn - ok Lee , Norm Peart , Darci Powell , Demetrius Semien , Steve Vaisey , Ria Van Ryn , and Eve Veliz . I am ...
الصفحة 8
... person interviews were conducted between March 2003 and August 2003, with a final few completed as late as January 2004. The purpose of the interviews was to provide extended follow-up discussions about ado- lescents' religious ...
... person interviews were conducted between March 2003 and August 2003, with a final few completed as late as January 2004. The purpose of the interviews was to provide extended follow-up discussions about ado- lescents' religious ...
الصفحة 9
... persons older than 18. From my own and others' studies, young adulthood is a life stage where sex tends to be more prominent than during the teenage years. That is for another book. The. Shape. of. the. Book. By now, it should be clear that ...
... persons older than 18. From my own and others' studies, young adulthood is a life stage where sex tends to be more prominent than during the teenage years. That is for another book. The. Shape. of. the. Book. By now, it should be clear that ...
الصفحة 11
... person's religiousness , as mea- sured several ways , typically in the form of how often they attend religious services , how involved they are in religious activities , how religious they con- sider themselves to be , and whether they ...
... person's religiousness , as mea- sured several ways , typically in the form of how often they attend religious services , how involved they are in religious activities , how religious they con- sider themselves to be , and whether they ...
الصفحة 14
... person hold low opinions of other people's personal morality , but high views of their own . When asked whether they had been involved recently in anything that was “ wrong , " adolescents typically reply with a simple answer : no ...
... person hold low opinions of other people's personal morality , but high views of their own . When asked whether they had been involved recently in anything that was “ wrong , " adolescents typically reply with a simple answer : no ...
3 | |
17 | |
Chapter 2 Can Religion Cause Behavior? | 43 |
Chapter 3 Learning Sexuality | 57 |
Chapter 4 Motivating Sexual Decisions | 83 |
Chapter 5 Sexual Experience | 119 |
Chapter 6 Imitation Sex and the New MiddleClass Morality | 163 |
Chapter 7 A Typology of Religious Influence | 183 |
Unscientific Postscript | 209 |
Regression Models | 215 |
Research Methods | 239 |
Interview Questions on Sex | 251 |
Notes | 255 |
References | 269 |
Index | 285 |
Conclusions | 203 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abstinence pledge Add Health adolescent girls Adolescent Health adolescent sexual adolescent sexual behavior adults African American anal sex birth control Black Protestant Catholic Christian church attendance contraception devoutly religious effects feel friends gender homosexual human sexuality Importance of Religion Internet pornography interviews Jewish Journal less mainline Protestant marriage married masturbation Model 1 Model Model Fit Statistics Mormon LDS motivations National Longitudinal Study National Survey nonpledgers nonreligious nonvirgins norms NSFG NSYR oral sex Ordered Logit percent percentage person pledgers pornography pregnancy Regnerus religious adolescents religious affiliation religious influence religious youth respondents risk same-sex sample scripts sex and birth sexual activity sexual attitudes sexual behavior sexual decision sexual experience sexual intercourse sexual morality sexual norms sexual partners social desirability social desirability bias Source Statistics 2 log STDs Study of Adolescent Table technical virginity teens tend vaginal intercourse Wave young Youth and Religion