صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

"Sweetest Spirit by thy power,
Grant me yet another hour;
Earthly pleasures I would prove,
Earthly joy, and earthly love;
Scarcely yet has dawned the day,
Sweetest Spirit, wait, I pray."

Sixth and Ninth Hours.
The morn wears

Oh, loiterer, speed thee!


Then squander no longer thy remnant of grace;
But haste while there's time! with thy Master


The Lord of the vineyard stands waiting for

"Gentle Spirit, prithee stay,
Brightly beams the early day;
Let me linger in these bowers;
God shall have my noontide hours;
Chide me not for my delay,
Gentle Spirit, wait, I pray!"

Eleventh Hour.

Oh, sinner, arouse thee! thy morning has pass'd;
Already the shadows are lengthening fast;
Escape for thy life! from the dark mountains

The Lord of the vineyard yet waiteth for thee!
"Spirit, cease thy mournful lay;
Leave me to myself, I pray!

Earth hath flung her spell around me,
Pleasure's silken chain has bound me;
When the sun his path hath trod,
Spirit, then I'll turn to God!"

Hark! borne on the wind is the bell's solemn


'Tis mournfully pealing the knell of a soul

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A. Copeland..
A Friend


Of a soul that despised the kind teachings of C. A. B........ truth,

And gave to the world the best hours of its youth;

The Spirit's sweet pleadings and strivings are o'er ;

The Lord of the vineyard stands waiting no more !

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Collected by George Rainy Young, and Grace

A Friend
A Friend

A. M. King
G. M. Laurie

Jane A. Smith


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Ancient Church and the Modern, the, 69

Antoinette, 106
Belgium, 11, 382

Notes of a Tour to the Missionary
Church of, 311, 345, 367

Beneficence, Thoughts on Christian, 97

Berwick, Proceedings of the Presbytery of, 23,
92, 121, 223, 256, 320, 353

Church in Chancery, and subscrip-
tions for, 53, 88, 123, 192, 223, 256, 318

Bibles, Distribution of, at Seaton Delaval, 58


Ada, Leila, a Jewish Convert, 240

Alexander, Archibald, D.D., 1

Cotton, Rev. John, of Boston, 40

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Elections, the, 155

Falstone Schools, the, 154, 382

"First man of the earth earthy," the, 104
Free Church Sabbath Schools, 274
German Universities, 142
Good Old Way, the, 144

Greenwich, St. Mark's Church, 60

Greek Church, the, and the Ionian Islands, 211
Grosvenor-square Church Sabbath-schools,
Manchester, 289

Hamilton, the late William, Esq., 316
Hewley's, Lady, Charity, 252

Holland, theology of, 74, 108

Home Mission, collection for, 52

Annual Report of, 180
Ireland's Mission Field, 306
Jottings of the Month, 61, 93, 157
Kirk on the Island, the, 131

Lancashire, Proceedings of the Presbytery of, 56, 91, 121, 256, 319, 377

Large Towns, spiritual destitution of, 76 missionary efforts in, 298

Last Fetter, the, 80

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Presbyterian Church in England, Proceedings at Synod of the, 148, 161

Presbyteries, deputation to the, 14
Presbyterianism versus Socinianism, 199
Regent-square Congregation, Mission and
Association of the, 92

Roman and Protestant compared, 138
Rome in 1851, 33, 65

Ross, Rev. A. J., of Brighton-Charge of heresy, 229

Roxburgh, testimonial to the Rev. Adam, 124 Sabbaths at sea, 77

Sabbath-schools, Presbyterian, 134

stated seasons for prayer, 141

Schemes of the Church

College Fund, 22, 54, 90, 317

Corfu Mission, 55, 90, 121, 223, 256

Foreign Mission, 22, 53, 89, 120, 150, 191, 222, 255, 285, 317, 352

Home Mission, 22, 54, 119, 154, 191, 223, 255, 285, 352

School Fund, 90, 121, 153, 191, 255, 285, 317, 352

Synod Fund, 54, 88, 90, 153, 192, 317

Scotch Churches (Established) in Liverpool and Manchester, 111

Seaton Delaval Sabbath Schools, 289
Servants, Domestic, 9

Sloan, Rev. Joseph, call to, 57

Smethwick Schools, Birmingham, notice of, 257

Southampton Church, 93, 224

St. Mark's Church, Greenwich, 24 Synod's Deputation to the Free Church Assembly, 284

Systematic Benevolence, 337

Trinity Church, Manchester, Anniversary Sermons at, 26

Truth, tampering with the, 305

Turkey, the Royal Family in, 362

Variable day and the glorious sunset, the, 143

Wark and Housesteads, induction at, 288

Weir, Rev. John, testimonial to, 57
Wesley, Whitfield's opinion of, 50
Benevolence of, 81

Whitehaven Sabbath Schools, 224

Will, Dr. Williams', 76, 110, 140

Young Men in England, a voice to, 146 Young Men's Societies, Anniversary Meetings of:

Grosvenor-square, Manchester, 25
Islington, Liverpool, 59
Ramsbottom, 125

St. Andrew's, Manchester, 25


Amos and the Nails, 160

Avenger stayed, hand of the, 127

Bees and Thistles in Australia, 354
Bending a tree, 160

Blind girl, gift of a poor, 62

Child is father of the man, the, 31
Child-missionary, the, 291

Children's Scheme for 1852, 62

Corfu Jewish Mission School, 94, 126, 195

Contributions to, 96, 128, 196,

228, 260, 291, 323, 385

Dare to be wise, 95

Doing nothing, 259


Calls, the three, 384
Child's prayer, the, 227
Farmer's boy, 384

Irish boy and the priest, the, 128
Lazy lad, the, 356

Little Wandering Jew, the, 290
Lost sheep, the, 260

Saviour was a Jew, the, 322

"She came to the village to die," 323 'Tis evening o'er thy grave, Willie, 196 Tommy and his shilling, 62

Two years in heaven, 160

Electric eel and the astonished sailors, the, Poor boy, the, 356

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Runaway's return, the, 258
Sambo's love for the Bible, 322
Sleepy little girl, the, 95
Stars, the, 196

The Child is dead, 384

Thoughts about my soul, 259
Thunder, 290

Ticking watch, the, 126

Wilberforce, dying words of, 31
Worst of it, the, 356
Year, close of the, 388
Young Gideon, a, 391

Macintosh, Printer, Great New-street, London.

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