صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



America, a Hundred Ministers wanted in, 111 | Books, Notices of:-

Ancoats Church, Ordination at, 25
Answered in Judgment, 116

Bavington, Ordination at, 168

Belgium, Notes of a Visit to the Missionary
Church of, 44, 79

Berwick Church, Donations in aid of, 24, 54,
120, 228


Allen, William, 304

Calamy, Edward, D.D., 275

Colby, Last Days of John, 241

Collins, the late William, Esq., 74

Fraser, the late John, Esq., of Canada West, 39
Heugh, Hugh, D.D., 178
Morrison, the late John, 104
Reid, Dr. John, 368

Sievewright, James, D.D., 10

Simeon, Rev. Charles, 338

Somerville, the Rev. James, 72

Symington, the late Professor, 340
Williams, Rev. Daniel, 11

Birmingham Congregation, Social Meeting of,


Blyth, the Rev. Newton, 237

Bolton, Meeting of Congregation at, 58
Books, Notices of:-

Altar Stones, 88

American Pulpit, the, 19

Authorized Version of the Bible, a New
Edition of the, 253

Bible, the Missal, and the Breviary, the, 117
Bible Illustrations, Daily, 89

Book of the Garden, the, 283

Both Worlds, is it possible to make the
best of, 88

British Messenger, the, 191

Bunyan's Pilgrim, 377

Chalmers, Memoir of Thomas, D.D., 347
Christmas Bells, the, 19

Christian Family Advocate, the, 117

Devotion, Hours of, 253

Christ our Life, 253

Church Government, an Exposition and De-
fence of Presbyterian Form of, 347
Crighton, Memoir of the late D. M., 315
Daily Scripture Readings, 253

Deep, Pearls from the, 191

Drunkard's Progress, the, 191

Faded Hope, the, 19

Four Gospels, a New Greek Harmony of
the, 253

Galatians, an Exposition of the Epistle to
the, 253

Gibraltar, Sketches of, 346

Home Thoughts, 117

Infidelity its Aspects, Causes, and Agen-
cies, 317

Irish Presbyterian, the, 117

John de Wycliffe, D.D., a Monograph, 282
Kilmany, the Missionary of, 192

Lectures and Sermons, by the Rev. Jas.
Maclagan, D.D., 49

Letters and Diaries of Philip Saphir, 19
Lentiad, the, 118

Lord's Jewels, the, 88

Lorenso Benoni, 317

Madiai, letters of the, 378

Popery in the Full Corn, the Ear, and the
Blade, 47

Pope's Supremacy, a Treatise of the, 49
Protestantism contrasted with Romanism,283
Sabbath Scripture Readings, 19

Sabbath Trumpet, the, 19

Sabbath-school Life, Sketches of, 118

Shady Side, the, 317

Skye Girls in England, the, 116
Slavery a Sin, 19

Soldiers, a tract for, 192

Spare Hours, true tales for, 88
Spare Moments, 217

Stranger Here, a, 98

Testaments, Old and New, proved to be
canonical, 378

Thoughts on Man, &c., 118

Two Vocations, the, 19

Two Paths, the, 251

Bradford, the Congregation at, 92

Burns, Rev. W. C., Letters from, 290, 291

[blocks in formation]

Christian ministry, the, 183

Church Consolidation and Church Extension,

Church Courts, employment for, 246

Irish Mission, the, 319

Irish Presbyterian Church, the, 243
Israel Saved, 111

College Fund, collections and contributions to, Jerusalem, the lepers in, 189.

23, 53, 91, 167, 258

special appeal for, 352

College Committee, Report of, 136

Contentment, godliness combined with, 86

Corfu Mission, donations to, 24, 54, 227, 259,


Berwick law expenses, 318
Call to Rev. A. Inglis, 20
Church debts, 284
Church extension, 318

Children's Magazine, 50, 89, 119
Claims of our Students, 50

Congregational Associations-Canning-st.,

Crewe, Social Meeting of Congregation at,


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Heavy Heart, cure for a, 190

Hewley Fund, notice of, 227

Highlands of Scotland, a Sabbath in the, 43
Hobab; a Family History, 180, 214
Home Missionary Field, a, 297

Home Mission, notice of collection for the, 52
Fund, collections and dona-
tions for, 24, 53, 91, 119, 167, 194, 227, 258,
322, 354, 383

Committee, Report of, 162
Horncliffe New Church, contributions for, 293
How shall I feel more? 308

Ireland's Miseries, 65

John Knox congregation, Stepney, Meeting
of, 123

Johnston, Rev. James, ordination of, 161

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Madagascar, 84, 324

Madiai, release of the, 124
Madiai of Paris, the, 108

Marylebone Congregation, Meetings of the,
123, 357

"Messenger," circulation of the, 21
Minister, two ways of valuing a, 207
Ministry, the great end of the, 78

Missionary Association, Liverpool and Birken-
head Ladies', the, 196

Missionary Donations, expressions of grati-
tude seen in, 186

Missionary to China, proposal of another, 379
Morpeth Meeting of Children at, 57
Mother's Legacy, my, 308

Neglected Opportunity, a, 114

North Shields Congregation, liquidation of
debt, 356

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Bibles for China, contributions for, 198, 232, Poetry :-

264, 296, 328, 360, 385

Chinese Bible Fund, Origin of the, 230


Boys, Letter from Two, 198

China, Chap.

I., Its Inhabitants, 231

II., The Great Wall, 262
III., Schools in, 358

IV., Prayer for, 326

Children's Scheme for 1853, 94
Christmas, Heathen Origin of, 64

Collectors to Jewish Mission School, a Word to
the, 30, 64

Corfu Jewish Mission School, contributions to
the, 31, 32, 128, 167

[blocks in formation]

Cradle and Coffin, 30

Heathen Child's Appeal, the, 327
Missionary Lesson for Children, a, 232
Our Rest, 107

Resurrection, the, 126

Shadow of a great Rock, the, 62
Table rules for little folk, 264
Time, 359

Poor Zeke; or, Let Him Pray, 62
Preacher and the Robbers, the, 128

Soldier's Epitaph, a,

South Sea Islanders, the, 96

Thought never dies, 96

"This hand never struck me," 127
Tower of London, the, 63

Victoria and her Mother, 30

Word, a, to the readers of the "Children's
Messenger," 385

Macintosh, Printer, Great New-street, London.

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