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" I ask Thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied; And a mind to blend with outward life, While keeping at Thy side, Content to fill a little space, If thou be glorified. "
The English Presbyterian Messenger - الصفحة 337
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Words of comfort for the afflicted, in daily portions [ed. by A.B.].

Words - 1849 - عدد الصفحات: 164
...keep and cultivate ; And a work of holy love to do For the Lord on whom I wait. So I ask thee for the daily strength To none that ask denied, And a mind...keeping at thy side ; Content to fill a little space, So thou be glorified. And if some things I do not ask. In my cup of blessing be, I would have my spirit...

Hymns and Poems for the Sick and Suffering

Thomas Vincent Fosbery - 1850 - عدد الصفحات: 416
...keep and cultivate ; And a work of lowly love to do For the Lord on whom I wait. So I ask Thee for the daily strength To none that ask denied, And a mind...spirit filled the more With grateful love to Thee ; And careful — less to serve Thee much, Than to please Thee perfectly. There are briars besetting...

Heavenly thoughts for morning hours: selections, with a short intr., by lady ...

Heavenly thoughts - 1851 - عدد الصفحات: 318
...and cultivate ; And a work of lowly love to do, For the Lord on whom I wait. So I ask thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied ; And a mind...spirit filled the more With grateful love to thee ; And careful — both to serve thee much, And to please thee perfectly. ALW MAY 13. I shall not want."...

The Pot of manna

1851 - عدد الصفحات: 746
...keep and cultivate, And a work of lowly love to do For the Lord on whom I wait. So I ask thee for the daily strength — To none that ask denied — And...glorified. And if some things I do not ask, In my cup of blessings be, I'd have my spirit fill'd the more With grateful love to thee ; And careful less to serve...

A simple commentary on the New Testament, المجلد 3

lady Charlotte Murdoch Wake - 1852 - عدد الصفحات: 356
...Or secret thing to know ; I would be treated as a child And guided where I go. So I ask Thee for the daily strength To none that ask denied ; And a mind...keeping at Thy side ; Content to fill a little space, So Thou be glorified. There are briars besetting every path. Which call for patient care ; There is...

The Friendly Visitor, المجلد 3

William Carus Wilson - 1853 - عدد الصفحات: 252
...keep and cultivate, And a work of lowly love to do For the Lord on whom I wait. So I ask Thee for the daily strength. To none that ask denied, And a mind...do not ask In my cup of blessing be, I would have ray spirit filled the more With grateful' love to Thee, And careful less to serve Thee innch Than to...

The twilight hour, or, Thoughts on the evening collect

Twilight hour - 1853 - عدد الصفحات: 62
...work of lowly love to do For the Lord whom I await. So I ask Thee for the daily strength, To none who ask denied, And a mind to blend with outward life, While keeping by Thy side ; Content to fill a little space, If Thou be glorified. And if some things T do not ask,...

A cyclopædia of sacred poetical quotations, ed. by H.G. Adams

Cyclopaedia, Henry Gardiner Adams - 1854 - عدد الصفحات: 762
...with joy, Like tyrants, shall torment thy mind, And vex thee with annoy. Brandon. I ask Thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied, And a mind...ask, In my cup of blessing be, I would have my spirit fill'd the more With grateful love to Thee — More careful — not to serve Thee much, But to please...

The Church

1854 - عدد الصفحات: 684
...keep and cnltlvate ; And a work of lowly love to do For the Lord on whom I wait. So I ask Thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied, And a mind...glorified. And if some things I do not ask, In my cap of blessing be, I would bave my spirit filled the more With grateful love to Thre — More careful...

Songs of Praise for Christian Worship

Christian worship - 1854 - عدد الصفحات: 206
...love to do For Thee, on whom I wait. 5 I ask Thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied ; A mind to blend with outward life, While keeping at thy side ; Content to fill a little space, So Thou be glorified. 6 And if some things I do not ask, Among my mercies be, O may my spirit glow...

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