Introducing the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Traditional Themes and Contemporary IssuesBerard L. Marthaler SPCK, 1994 - 182 من الصفحات "The Catechism of the Catholic church is a landmark in Catholic publishing. Within a year after it first appeared, over three million copies were in circulation in nine languages. Pope John Paul II has described the catechism as a 'sure and authentic source book for the teaching of Catholic doctrine. It is offered to everyone who asks the reasons for the hope that is in us and who would like to know what the Catholic Church believes.... ' " [from back cover] |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 17
الصفحة 68
... living beings , granted by the creator , is not absolute . It must be tempered by concern for the quality of life of our neighbor , including generations to come , and calls for a religious respect for creation's integrity ( § 2415 ) ...
... living beings , granted by the creator , is not absolute . It must be tempered by concern for the quality of life of our neighbor , including generations to come , and calls for a religious respect for creation's integrity ( § 2415 ) ...
الصفحة 119
... living wage without going out of business . It seemed unjust , and ultimately self - defeating , to require the employer to go bankrupt in order to pay a living wage ; yet it also would be a serious injustice if the obligation were ...
... living wage without going out of business . It seemed unjust , and ultimately self - defeating , to require the employer to go bankrupt in order to pay a living wage ; yet it also would be a serious injustice if the obligation were ...
الصفحة 143
... living faith lan- guage and culture of the Catholic faithful in their living tradition of nearly two thousand years . The great challenge for local cate- chetical teams will be to produce catechisms that will be both gram- matically ...
... living faith lan- guage and culture of the Catholic faithful in their living tradition of nearly two thousand years . The great challenge for local cate- chetical teams will be to produce catechisms that will be both gram- matically ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
affirm apostolic authority Baltimore Catechism baptism basic Bible biblical Book Cardinal Ratzinger Cate catechetical Catechism's catechists Catholic Church celebration chism Christian faith christological Code of Canon commandments communion conciliar contemporary context Council of Trent Creed cultural decalogue dialogue diversity doctrine documents ecclesial ecumenical elements eucharist evil example expression Father formation of conscience Gaudium et Spes God's gospel hierarchy of truths Holy Spirit human inculturation interpretation interreligious relations issues Jews justice and peace lectionary liturgical catechesis liturgy living Lumen Gentium magisterium Marthaler means ment mission moral mystagogy nations norm Nostra Aetate paragraphs particular pastoral Pope John Paul prayer present question reference reflect religions religious revealed Roman Catechism sacraments salvation scripture Second Vatican Council sinful social justice structural Synod of Bishops task teaching Testament themes theological tion tradition typology understanding unity universal church Vatican II word worship