صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

observations from the Chairman, the Meeting | tions! But even should such be the case,
was closed with praise and the benediction, then, we repeat, abolish collections and give
and the numerous company separated, ap- us Associations. You will thus, at the least,
parently much pleased with the proceedings of
the evening.

It must be gratifying to the friends of the
Presbyterian Church, to learn of the advancing
state of Presbyterianism in Dudley, whilst it
must be most pleasing to Mr. Lewis to behold
"the work of the Lord" prospering in his
hands, and very grateful to his feelings to
observe how all parties unite in testifying
their friendly feelings towards him and his

Dudley, Feb. 19, 1846.



blessing of God on the believing, prayerful,
devoted ministry of its founders? They
stood really alone in an evil day, like
Abraham, when his household presented the
only spectacle in Canaan of such worship as the
Lord accepted. Like "the father of the faith-
ful," they honoured God, and His blessing
rested on them, until, like his posterity, the
fruit of their labours has filled the earth. We
may spread largely, and the surest means to
do so will be to glorify God eminently now.
All those qualities of a true ministry were
thoroughly exhibited in the Church of Scot-
land at the times of the First and Second
Reformation, and in the Puritans of the
seventeenth century. The wonderful favour
which the Lord is now showing to the Free
Church of Scotland is the result of its ministry
being, to a very great extent, such a ministry as
we have imperfectly sought to delineate. The THE Rev. Mr. Patterson being about to re-
Lord may bless us in like manner, and greatly tire from the charge of the Presbyterian con-
increase our acceptance in this land. Wegregation at Harbottle, his people, anxious to
dare not say that our present condition is testify their gratitude for his long and faithful
undeserved; the Lord has smitten us, because services, and the esteem and veneration which
we provoked Him to anger. If we honour his worth had uniformly secured, assembled in
Him, He will honour us. Assuredly, whether the Church on Tuesday, the 24th February,
we ever be an extensive denomination in when the Rev. James Anderson, of Morpeth,
England or not, if we be faithful to the Lord in their name, and at their special request,
Jesus, we shall have his presence in our
after a suitable address, presented Mr. Patter
midst, and his guidance for our steps. We
son with a purse of gold, a silver inkstand, and
shall have a work of internal revival, at least,
if not of external enlargement. The former the following inscription:-
a large and elegant silver snuff box, bearing
would be a blessed benefit, even without the
latter; and the latter will only come, if it
comes at all, in the sequel of the former. A
godly minister in every pulpit, and a work of
the Spirit in every congregation, are the main
blessings to be sought. The Lord alone can
give them; let us, in faith, seek them at his


J. H.


THE usual Annual Soirée in connexion with the Sabbath-school of the Presbyterian Church, Dudley, was held on Tuesday evening, the 17th inst., in the Lancasterian school-room. The room, which is large and commodious, was very beautifully decorated with drapery and evergreens. Around the walls there were various mottos appropriate to the occasion. The platform was occupied by ministers of different denominations, and the large and attentive audience presented an appearance which, for numbers and respectability, has seldom, if ever, been equalled on similar occasions in this quarter.

Nearly 600 persons, comprising members from all denominations, partook of the refreshing beverage, and notwithstanding the crowded state of the room, all seemed pleased and happy. The Rev. George Lewis having taken the chair, praise and prayer were offered up; after which the Chairman explained the object of the Meeting, and gave a most gratifying account of the prosperity of the Sabbathschool, and of its increase during the past


He then at some length depicted the benefit of Sabbath-schools, the duty of promoting their welfare, the apologies usually made for neglecting them, and concluded by expressing his pleasure at beholding so many of his friends of other communions joining with them in their social Meeting. The Rev. John Bryson, St. Andrew's, next addressed the Meeting on the subject of "Christian union," and in a speech of much brilliancy and power, urged the necessity of greater co-operation between the different sections of the Christian


The Rev. Messrs. Corken and Rogers severally delivered addresses, and after a few

"Presented, together with an inkstand and by the members of the congregation at Hara purse of gold, to the Rev. James Patterson, bottle, Northumberland, and other friends, in testimony of their affectionate regard, and admiration of his highly-exemplary conduct as a minister of the Gospel, during a period of thirty-four years. Feb. 24, 1846."

On receiving these gifts Mr. Patterson made a very touching and impressive reply, and the whole scene was deeply affecting.

[Wherever Mr. Patterson goes he carries with him the affectionate interest and regard of the Church. We cherish a pleasing recollection of our short intercourse with our venerable father. We trust his sorrowing like-minded, to be long honoured and blessed flock may soon be provided with a pastor in his labours among them like our aged friend.-ED.]


Had we

your contributions.-ED.]
SIR,--I cordially concur with you in your re-
marks in last Messenger upon the importance
of Associations being found in every congre-
gation in promotion of the schemes of the
Church, and hope before the close of this year
to see healthful and vigorous associations

generally established. Permit me to supply
an omission which you have overlooked in
drawing a comparison betwixt the congrega-
tions of Regent-square, and that of St. Peter's-
square, Manchester, that the latter, in addition
to the collection, have contributed 1207. to the
Home Mission.

Manchester, March 12, 1846.

[blocks in formation]




Session Clerk.



day of

One years.

Thousand Eight Hundred and
Which day and place the Kirk-Session
Presbyterian Church, having
met, was constituted by prayer.
Inter alia, The Session made choice of
Ruling Elder, to
represent them in the Synod of the Pres-
byterian Church in England, at its Meeting

[We have much pleasure in giving insertion to the following communication. inserted the sums privately contributed by members of congregations, we are aware we should considerably augment the contributions announced in the names of all our churches, especially St. Peter's-square. But our supreme desire is to get all such sums through the local associations. Without such associations we never can succeed. And we do trust the Synod will give a stringent injunction on the subject. We beg leave to state one striking fact which very much strengthens our argunext ensuing: ment, but of which we were not aware when Willing him to repair in due time thereto, discussing this subject in our last number. attend the several Diets thereof, and consult, It is this: the collection for the Home Mis- vote, and determine, in all matters that shall sion, in Regent-square, last year, when they come before the said Synod, to the glory of had no Association, was 381.; but this year, God and the good of the Church, according despite, or rather, in consequence of their to the Word of God, the Confession of Faith, and acts and constitution of this Church: Association, the collection was 567.; and such And he is hereby instructed to report to the is the case everywhere. And yet some are Session his diligence in this matter, at the alarmed lest Associations should ruin collec-expiry of his appointment.

indicted to be holden in
day of

on the

Extracted from the Records of the KirkSession of Presbyterian Church,



Session Clerk. [N.B.—If the Elder is not a member of the Session that appoints him, to the above Commission must be appended an Extract Minute from the Records of the Session of which the Commissioner is a regular member, attesting his qualifications,-somewhat in the following terms:-] the day of One Thousand Eight Hundred and years. The which day and place the Kirk-Session of Presbyterian Church met, and was constituted with prayer. Inter alia, The Session hereby certify, that Mr. is a bona fide acting Elder in this Congregation. Extracted from the Records of the Kirk Session of Presbyterian Church,


Session Clerk. [N.B.-The Committee received instructions to append to these Forms of Commissions a note embodying the Synod's order, that all Elders' Commissions be lodged with the Rev. Professor Campbell, 22, Myddelton-square, London, the Clerk of Synod, at least one whole week prior to the meeting of Synod.] ALEX. MURDOCH,

Moderator of Committee. D. FERGUSSON,

Clerk of Committee.



WHEREAS the desecration of the Lord's-day by means of the number of railway labourers throughout the country, and of travelling by railway trains, is great, and likely to increase, unless means be employed to check it, and warn our people against the contagion of such evil example, and God's grace be implored to render these means effectual: It is humbly overtured by the Presbytery of Berwick, to the Very Rev. the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England, that they consider and adopt those means which are most likely, with God's blessing, to accomplish a godly reformation in this matter; and, in particular, if it seem good to the Synod, in its wisdom, to issue a pastoral admonition to our congregations, in reference to it, or to do concerning this important object, what to their wisdom

may seem meet.



tion of our ministers; on what principle, then, can the Church neglect some species of training for the education of her Sabbath-school teachers? We believe our Irish brethren are before us in this respect. We have long heard of, and wish we could witness, especially the Sabbath-school connected with Mr. Morgan's congregation, Belfast. Let us learn from our brethren. To Mr. Hamilton we tender our thanks for his excellent address, which we wish we saw in a cheap form in the hands of all our Sabbath-school teachers.EDITOR.]

After a few introductory observations, the address proceeds thus:

I will say little at present in reference to the character of Sabbath-school teachers, intending to make some observations on this point when I come to speak of their qualifications. I will make only one statement, which I wish to be kept prominently before all who are engaged in this great work-the Sabbath-school teacher should support, before the Church and the world, the character of a decided and consistent Christian.

When the young man enters a communicant's class, he takes a step which will lead to his being noticed as he was not before. When he sits down at the Lord's table, he makes his profession of Christianity, declaring that he has come out from the world, and enlisted in the army of Christ. From that hour the interests of religion will be deeply affected by his character. When, again, he comes out from among the members of the Church, and is seen on the Sabbath morning and evening, at the head of a little class, in the Sabbathschool, he has advanced farther up the hill of Zion, and so will be an object of more notice the army of the Captain of his salvation-he He is now an officer in is now at the head of a little band which he is to discipline for fighting the good fight of faith; his consistency will now do honour to the cause of Christ-his inconsistency will do injury to an extent which, if he had remained a mere soldier in the ranks, he could not

than ever he was.

have done.

Let the Sabbath-school teacher be seen

irregular in observing the Lord's Supper, or in attending the house of God-let him be seen absenting himself from any of the services of the sanctuary, or taking the Sabbath frequenting taverns, he will thereby give evening walk, or entering the theatre, or occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully of religion; by his inconsistency the wicked will be confirmed in their ungodliness, the weak will have a stumbling-block cast into their way, and the scholars in his class will think it no harm to do as he does-will go farther than he goes; and so his influence, [We feel a gratification in being able to pre-great to do good, when cast into the scale of which, if rightly directed, would have been sent to our readers the following admirable address, recently delivered to the Belfast Sabbath-School Teachers' Union, and which we extract from the Banner of Ulster. The importance of Sabbath-schools is very far from being adequately estimated, and as little has the Church appreciated the necessity of obtaining properly-qualified teachers. However orthodox the creed, and however scriptural the constitution, it is the living minister under God that makes a living congregation; and it is the pious teacher that forms the efficient Sabbath-school. Colleges are deemed essential (and most justly so) for the educa

the world will be equally great, or greater, to do evil; one sin of his may, through the connexion which exists between members of society and one generation and another, bring thousands to ruin.

My beloved friends, I wish earnestly to press this truth on your attention. If the Church is ever to evangelize the world-if Satan's kingdom is ever to be destroyed by Christ's kingdom, and we know it will-there must be a higher standard of character hearts; holiness must be exhibited in their amongst Christians. Love must rule their lives; they must be epistles of Christ, known and read of all men. When the followers of the Lord have learned to be consistent

when, like the Apostolic Church, they appear in the beauty of holiness-when they make it their study to be like their Master-the Church will look forth as the morning, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners."

Sabbath-school teachers, "let not your good be evil spoken of." "Let your light so shine before men," so clearly and distinctly, "that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” QUALIFICATIONS OF THE SABBATH-SCHOOL TEACHER. -I shall now turn your attention to some of the qualifications of which Sabbath-school teachers should be possessed. There can be no doubt that a different standard of qualification may be required in schools in different localities, and also for different classes in the same school. But, without dwelling on this, I shall bring before you some qualifications which are indispensable to those who will be successful teachers in any class of any Sabbath-school.

In doing this, I feel it necessary to make a reference to the address of the brother who called your attention, at your last Quarterly Meeting, to the object of Sabbath-school instruction. It was then stated, and stated truly, that the grand object, the object of Sabbath-school instruction, is the salvation of souls, with the instructing of the young to read the Word of God, and think of its truths as means for gaining that object. Now, let us inquire what are some of the qualifications, indispensable to a teacher who can reasonably expect to gain this end.



I. THE SABBATH-SCHOOL TEACHER WHO CAN REASONABLY EXPECT SUCCESS IN HIS WORK TICAL, EXPERIMENTAL, SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST.-In other words, he must be a man of piety. A moment's consideration will tion. No man will propose to teach others a lead you to see the necessity of this qualificabranch in literature or science of which he is entirely ignorant. And will any propose to instruct in the knowledge of Christ, whilst they themselves do not know Christ? The teacher of grammar must know grammar; the teacher of mathematics must be a mathematician; the teacher of classics must be a classical scholar; and is there not an equal necessity that the teacher of the knowledge of Christ should himself know Christ?

Our blessed Lord first called and instructed his disciples, and then sent them to teach let his history and end, and the record, “It others. True, Judas was among them; but had been good for that man if he had not been born," be a warning to all ministers and Sabbath-school teachers of the awful consequence of living without Christ, whilst they teach others. Oh how fearful is the thought of an unregenerate minister or Sabbathschool teacher! He tells others to fear God, the Saviour, but he hates Him; he tells but he disobeys Him; he tells others to love others to turn their faces towards heaven, but he has turned back on heaven; he tells others to walk on the narrow road that leads to eternal life, but he is hurrying along the broad road that leads to everlasting destruction; he professedly seeks to save others, but he himself is "a castaway." Follow him beyond the grave-see him at the bar of God: every chapter of the Bible he read, every sermon he preached, every lesson he taught, every warning and exhortation he condemnation at that dread tribunal. The gave, every prayer he offered, will be for his blood of souls, will be required at his hand; any portion among the condemned will be more tolerable than his through eternity.

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BIBLE. I could suppose the case of a man knowing but one truth of the Bible, and that one truth getting a lodgment in his heart, he is saved thereby. There will occur to the recollection of some of you who have read the tract headed Poor Joseph," the statements therein made in reference to that man. He heard Dr. Calamy preach one sermon; he knew but one text-"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief." This one text was lodged in his heart by the Holy Spirit, and Joseph reasoned that, although he had no good works to merit salvation-no one recommendation to bring with him to God-no encouragement to hope from anything that was in his heart, although he was the chief of sinners-he should trust Christ, for the truth which he had received into his heart was "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." He cast his anchor on this Scripture; and knowing scarcely aught of the Bible but this, he died rejoicing, and I doubt not is, to-night, amid the company of the redeemed, joining in the heavenly anthem to the glory of the exalted Jesus, who "out of the mouths of babes and sucklings has perfected praise."

But, whilst one Scripture saved "Poor Joseph," and whilst one imperishable truth of God, applied by the Holy Ghost to any heart, will prove a saving truth, the Sabbath-school teacher instructing others in the Word should himself be well acquainted with the Word.

Christian friends, seek to get clear and enlarged views of the Bible. "Search the Scriptures." Dig deep into this field for the hidden treasure which lies below the surface, and which can only be obtained by diligent and prayerful study and meditation. Make your Bible your companion. You will be abundantly repaid for all the time you spend in acquiring the sanctified knowledge of the Word of God; and, being enriched your selves, you may enrich others.

III. THE SABBATH-SCHOOL TEACHER, IN ORDER TO BE SUCCESSFUL, MUST HAVE IIIS HEART IN HIS WORK. No matter how honourable a profession be, the man who is engaged in it, and does not find an interest in its duties, will be the merest drudge. Suppose a minister, who has not his heart in his work -who has entered into "the priest's office for a piece of bread," or for some other equally unworthy motive; he is urged on by that motive in his formal round of duty as a slave is urged on to his work by the master's lash. Look at him in his study, or see him in his pulpit, where would you find such an object-of pity as he is? And next to the heartless minister I would place the heartless Sabbath-school teacher. I never expect a man to do much good in any profession to which he is not ardently devoted. I would wish to see all ministers enthusiastic in the work of the ministry, looking to the pulpit as their throne, and feeling that the highest honour which could be conferred on any creature is to be a successful ambassador of the King of kings, beseeching sinners, in Christ's stead, to be reconciled to God. And I would wish to see all Sabbath-school

teachers with a sanctified enthusiasm—an before you, and the dark clouds of disenthusiasm such as moved the Apostle Paul couragement will pass away, and you who when he said, "the love of Christ con- go forth weeping, bearing precious seed, will straineth me"-going forward in their work, come again rejoicing, bringing the sheaves regarding the seat at the head of the class as with you. their throne, and the instructing of the young in the Word of God as their highest honour.

Let us have in this office men and women who have their hearts in their work, and we will not have to complain of teachers' seats being empty, or classes thin. They may be wearied on Saturday night, but they will rise early on Sabbath morning to get to the work they love. The day may be unfavourable, but they will not be absent from the school. They will forego many a visit to the country which they would otherwise make. They will say to every temptation which would take them from the Sabbath-school, "We are doing a great work, so that we cannot come down; why should the work cease whilst we leave it and come down to you?" They will find time to seek out the absent children, and visit the sick ones of their class. They will deny themselves what the world calls ease and pleasure to enjoy the luxury of doing good; and, sitting at the head of a class, or searching for a wanderer, or kneeling by the bedside of a dying child, they will have happiness which the gay votaries of fashion might well envy-happiness kindred to that of angels, whose delight it is to minister to them who shall be the heirs of salvation-yea, happiness like that of Christ, who, in the conversion of the sinner, sees of "the travail of His soul and is satisfied," and who feeds His flock like a shepherd, and gathers the lambs with His arm, and carries them in His bosom, and gently leads those that are with young.

Beloved friends, who are engaged in this work, throw your whole heart into it. When you feel Sabbath-school teaching your delight, you may expect success in it.

IV. THE SABBATH-SCHOOL TEACHER SHOULD BE A PERSON OF BELIEVING, EARNEST PRAYER.-Should not a minister, every time he enters into the pulpit, expect that God's Word, to be read and preached that day, will be blessed? And should not a Sabbath-school teacher, every time he sits down with his class, believe that the Word to be read that hour will prosper in the thing whereto God sends it? Would this be the suggestion of an ill-guided imagination? Would this be presumption? No; it would be faith, and the want of it unbelief. This confidence we should rest, not on the high qualification of the teacher, nor on the docility of the scholar, but on the sure testimony of the Holy Ghost. Read with me one Scripture on the point. In Isaiah lv. 9, you will find it thus written-" For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater; so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Here is the sure Word of God; let us believe that He will do as He has said. This faith in the promise of a covenant-keeping Jehovah will sustain you amid all the difficulties, and lead you to persevere amid all the discouragements of the Sabbath-school. Do you find the children stubborn, dull, idle? Do you appear to labour in vain among them? Is your heart ready to sink discouraged? Only have faith in the promise of God, and the mountain of difficulty will become a plain.

Unwavering faith, and fervent, importunate prayer, are inseparably united. The teacher who has these graces in good order, and keeps them in exercise, will surely have success. Faith puts God's work into His own hand, and prayer asks Him to do it. Faith keeps a teacher still at his post. It breaks up the fallow-ground and scatters the seed in the furrow; and prayer brings down the dews and the showers which will ensure a crop. See the teacher possessed of this spirit rising from his knees in the closet to go out to his class-he has bathed his soul in prayerprayer for his scholars he has named them one by one at the mercy-seat-he has spread out the cases of them all before the thronehe has pleaded for fitting grace for each of them; and now, with a warm heart and vigorous spirit, he sits down to instruct them in the lesson for the day. He looks out to the horizon for the little cloud betokening rain. Will he be disappointed? He has prayed "Show me a sign for good." May he not expect Gideon's sign, and hope to see his class wet with the dews of the Spirit, though all be dry around?

O my friends! let us have godly, and Biblereading, and ardent, and believing, and praying Sabbath-school teachers. Let those who are in the work be of this spirit, and let their number be multiplied as the state of the world requires; let the machinery of Sabbathschools be worked by such hands, and the Bible in the pulpit and the Bible in the school will prove the mighty lever for raising our fellow-men from the degradation and misery of sin, to morality, and holiness, and happiness-yea, to the holiness and happiness of heaven.

One other observation I desire to make before I sit down. Perhaps some Sabbathschool teachers may be ready to say, We are not qualified for this work; what should we do? Shall we retire from the field? Shall we fall back to the rank of ordinary soldiers in the army of Christ? I will at once say that, if any have entered on the office of Sabbathschool teacher who have not first given their ownselves to the Lord, although they may make the Sabbath-school a house of refuge for the children, and teach them to read or instruct them in the theory of religion, yet we never can expect, through them, to gain the great object of Sabbath-school instruction—the salvation of the children's souls. If I address any such teachers this evening, I beseech them most earnestly to consider the position they occupy. Can you be at ease in your present state? Dare you withdraw from a good work on which you have entered? You have put your hand to the plough; will you look back? To remain unconverted teachers in a Sabbathschool is to harden yourselves in sin-to throw up the office. is to run away from the service of God. What should you do? Go from the Meeting this evening to weep, like Peter, over your sins-behold Jesus' countenance, whose every expression tells that He is compassionate, as when He looked on Peter in the High Priest's hall-behold the blood flowing from His hands, and feet, and sidethe blood "which cleanseth from all sin"confess your sins to Him-cry for mercy, and hear Him saying, in His love, "Be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you;" and, as penitent, forgiven sinners, receive and obey His commission" Feed my lambs." Let the members of the Church beware lest,

under the plea of want of qualification, they excuse themselves from entering on a work, or in withdrawing from a work, in which they may glorify God. If you have an opportunity of doing good by teaching in a Sabbath-school, can your conscience be at ease if you do not embrace it? The present is a day in which Christ is loudly calling every man to do his duty. If we will sit idle, and satisfy ourselves with the thought that we have not qualifications for which we have neither prayed nor laboured, we will be cast as withered branches out of Christ's vineyard, or will find the blighting judgment of Heaven lighting upon us. Our Captain is leading us forth to battle and to victory: let the curse pronounced on Meroz be a warning to all who will shrink from their duty. Let us, like the stripling David, go down into the valley-let us take the weapons which have been so well proved, and the Lord will go with us. The Apostle Paul felt that it was an awful thing to be a minister of the Gospel; and when he said, what both ministers and Sabbath-school teachers may say "We are unto God a sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved and in them that perish. To the one we are the savour of death unto death, and

to the other of life unto life."-He added, "And who is sufficient for these things?" Did he then retire from the ministry? "Nay," says he, "necessity is laid on me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel." Let all Christians know that necessity is laid on them; yea, and woe will be unto them, if they use not their talents for the glory of God. He would not hear any of the excuses of Moses, when he shrunk from the duty to which he was called; nor will he hear yours. His command is, "Go work in my vineyard to-day."


You feel that in yourselves you are unworthy of the office of Sabbath-school teachers, and unfit for its duties. Thus far you are in a right frame of mind. But remember that all necessary qualifications will be given you by the Holy Ghost. Every worker at the tabernacle, from Bezaleel and Aholiab, down to the humblest female, who contributed her part for "the cloths of service," was qualified for the work by the Holy Ghost. Go then, Sabbath-school teacher, to your Lord and Saviour, who has the Holy Spirit to bestow upon you, and out of His full treasure-house of gifts and graces your want of qualification will be made up. Go to Your Heavenly Father, of whom it is said that "if ye being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will He give the Holy Spirit to them that ask In dependance on the grace of God, and praying and striving after higher qualifications, go on in your work, and think not that God will not acknowledge the humblest of you in doing good. Hath he not "chosen the weak things of the world to confound the mighty, that no flesh should glory in his presence?" You may yet see the tear of contrition starting from the eye of that Sabbathschool girl about which you are so anxious. You may hear that obstinate little boy, for whom you have prayed so often, asking you What must I do to be saved?" Would not the feeling evidenced by that tear, or that anxious inquiry, be a large reward for the toil of a lifetime? You may yet receive a Letter from an old Sabbath-school scholar which you had forgotten, or have him coming to tell you that in your class he first learned to love the Saviour. Or you may hear some dying little one whisper with feeble voice, that through your teaching she has learned to rejoice in the hope of glory, Or you may

[ocr errors]

have the joy of seeing some of your beloved | the most adjacent worlds. But even though
class follow you into heaven. Or the little the nearest world were peopled by holy and
girl who sat so often with you, but has fallen happy beings, and though they could cross
asleep in the arms of the beloved Jesus, may the great gulf that severs them from us, they
be the first to meet you at heaven's gate, could accomplish little for us; they could not
and welcome you, as her mother in the Lord. wash stains from guilty souls; they could not
And then how you will bless your God for infuse their own felicity into gaunt and joy-
the qualification He gave you to teach in a less hearts; and they could not transport
Sabbath-school-for the honour He put upon their own sweet atmosphere so as to heal the
you when you got charge of a class-for the miasma of a polluted place or the misery of a
grace He gave you to persevere in the work wretched home. But what they cannot do
and for the success with which He crowned the Lord himself can do. Prayer is not a
your labours, singing sweetly, the more message to the moon. It is not a cry for help
sweetly because those for whom you travailed to the sun, or to the stars in their courses,
in birth are with you-all the more sweetly It is a petition addressed to Him that made
because your qualifications were of grace, and the sun and moon and stars. It is recourse
your success of grace-all-all of grace to the ever-present and all-sufficient God. It
blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, is frailty fleeing to Omnipotence. It is misery
be unto Him who sitteth on the throne, and at the door of mercy. It is worm Jacob at
to the Lamb for ever and ever!"
the ladder's foot, and that ladder's top in
heaven. It is the dying thief beside a dying
Saviour, and the same paradise already open
for them both. The mercy-seat is the ark of
the Covenant opened, and the legend over it:



[WE extract the following beautiful passages
from "The Mount of Olives, and other
Hamilton, of Regent-square Church, London;
Lectures on Prayer," by the Rev. James
a volume which, if our readers have not seen
and read, we almost envy them the pleasure
that awaits them.-ED.]




Ask, and it shall be given thee.' And prayer is just the exploring eye and the the costliest gifts. Jacob compared Joseph believing hand selecting from the unsearchable riches of Christ, the sweetest mercies and his son to a fruitful vine inside a lofty fence; but though he grew in a garden enclosed,' his growth was so luxuriant that his branches "Among the elegant forms of insect life, ran over the wall, and the wandering Ishthere is a little creature known to naturalists, maelites and the hungry passengers shot their which can gather round it a sufficiency of arrows and flung their missiles at the laden atmospheric air-and, so clothed upon, it boughs, and caught up such clusters as fell descends into the bottom of the pool, and outside the fence. The tree of life grows now you may see the little diver moving about in such a garden. There is now an enclosure dry and at his ease, protected by his crystal round it, but the branches run over the wall. vesture, though the water all around and High over our heads we may perceive the above be stagnant and bitter. Prayer is such bending boughs, and such fragrant fruits as a protector, a transparent vesture, the world peace of conscience, joy in the Holy Ghost, sees it not; but a real defence, it keeps out assurance of God's love,' gentleness, goodthe world. By means of it the believer can ness, faith, meekness, temperance,' —and gather so much of heaven's atmosphere around prayer is the arrow which detaches these him, and with it descend into the putrid from the bough-the missile which brings depths of the contaminating world, that for a these far-off fruits, these lofty clusters, down season no evil will touch him; and he knows to the dusty path and the weary traveller's where to ascend for a new supply. Commu- feet. Happy he whose believing prayer is nion with God kept Daniel pure in Babylon. like Jonathan's bow, which never came Nothing else can keep us safe in London. In empty back.' Pp. 206-209. secret of God's presence you might tread these giddy streets, and your eyes never view the vanity. You might pass theatres and taverns and never dream of entering in. You might get invitations to noisy routs and Godforgetting assemblies, and have no heart to go. Golden images, public opinion with its lion's den, and fashion with its fiery furnace, would never disturb you. A man of prayer in this mart of nations, you could pass upon your way unseduced and undistracted, a Christian in vanity fair, a pilgrim in a paradise of fools, a true worshipper amidst idolators, a Daniel in Babylon."-P. 192-3.

"Prayer is the only means of importing to earth blessings not native to it. There are many commodities not of English growth, which ships, and wealth, and enterprise can fetch from foreign shores. But there are some things which no wealth can purchase, which no enterprise can compass, and with which no ship that ever rode the seas came freighted. Where is the emporium to which you can resort and order so much happiness? Where is the ship that ever brought home a cargo of heart-comforts?-a consignment of good conscience?-a freight of strength for the feeble, and joy for the wretched, and peace for the dying? But what no vessel ever fetched from the Indies, prayer has often fetched from heaven. Our earth is insulated. It is clean cut off from all intercourse with

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"IT is a mistake-a great and awful mistake-to suppose that Christ has given his charge as Chief Shepherd of his sheep, and head over all things to his Church, into the hands of any other person. No; he, and he alone, has the government upon his shoulders; to him the Father has committed the flock, which he purchased with his agonies and blood; and he loves his flock too tenderly, and too dearly, to commit them to the care of another. He watches over them himself; he feeds them all himself; he knows every pitfall that endangers their safety; he sees every impediment cast in their way. He watches every motion of every foe that prowls around the fold. No mere man could do this. No one but an omnipresent and omniscient Being could do this. And, blessed be God, dear brethren, we have an omnipresent and omniscient Shepherd to watch over our souls. Men may be mistaken in judging of what is wholesome and good for our souls, and they may lead us to pastures in unwholesome meadows, feed us on the husks of outward forms instead of the sweet kernel of Gospel truth; and give us to drink of the muddy streams of human tradition, instead of drawing for us the pure waters of life from the well of salvation,

But Christ never can make such a mistake as this. He created our souls at first, and He knows what is best for them. The full grown saint and the tender lamb are equally the objects of his tenderest care; and he opens his hand, and supplies them each with the spiritual nourishment they need. The shepherd must be eyes to the sheep to watch over them; wisdom to the sheep to guide them; strength to the sheep to protect them, and deliver them from the paw of the lion and the bear; and he must be able to cleanse and purify them when defiled with their march through a filthy land; and all this is Jesus to the sheep of his pasture. He is made of God unto us wisdom, and righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. He has opened a fountain from his own precious side, in which to wash away all our pollutions, and the sanctifying grace of his Holy Spirit is ever at work ripening us for heaven, and preparing us for his coming. He knows how to revive us with rich cordials when wounded, or ready to faint by the way; he knows how to give strong drink to him that is ready to perish; he knows how to allure us to the softest and the richest pastures, and to lead us gently to the quiet and peaceful river that makes glad the city of our God. He is the only Joseph who is fit to feed his Father's flock. He is no hireling, but the actual owner of the flock. He laid down his life as the price for his sheep; and if we show our value for things by the amount at which we are willing to purchase them, then Jesus must indeed consider his flock as most precious and dear. He will not lose what cost him so dearly; he will not suffer himself to be robbed of so costly a treasure. Oh! the folly of forgetting this good Shepherd! Oh! the infatuation of looking to any but Jesus as the Chief Shepherd of our souls! If we are not our own, because we are bought with a price, so equally are we not Peter's or Paul's for the very same reason. We are Christ's property. We are the purchase of his blood. The Lord himself is our keeper; the Lord is our defence on our right hand.' Peter did not die for us; Paul was not crucified for us; and, therefore, we dare not say, as some of the foolish Corinthians in early times, and the members of the Church of Rome in later times, I am of Cephas.' No; for our Great Shepherd and Guide, we can have none but none but Christ.'"--Dalton's

Christ; no, Life of Joseph.

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Í BAPTIZED one man (the conjurer and murderer mentioned August 8th, and February 1st,) who appears such a remarkable instance of Divine grace, I cannot omit some brief account of him. He lived near the Forks of Delaware, and attended the meeting there more than a year; but was extremely addicted to drinking, and seemed no way reformed. In this time he murdered a likely young Indian, which threw him into horror and a degree of desperation, so that he kept at a distance from me some months, till I had an opportunity of conversing with him, and encouraged him to hope his sin might be forgiven for Christ's sake. After which he again attended my meeting. But what discouraged me most was his conjuration. He was one of those called powows among the Indians; and notwithstanding his attend ance on my preaching, still followed his old charms and juggling tricks. And the high opinion they had of him, his magic charms, and superstitious notions, seemed to be a fatal

obstruction to their receiving the Gospel. And I have often thought it would be favourable to the design of gospelizing the Indians, if God would take that wretch out of the world. But God, whose thoughts are above ours, took a more desirable method with him. His first genuine concern for his soul was excited, by seeing my interpreter and his wife baptized, and, with the invitation of an Indian, he followed me down to Crosweeksung in August, and continued there several weeks in the season of the most remarkable and powerful awakening; at which time he was more effectually awakened, and brought under concern for his soul and then, upon his feeling the word of God in his heart (as he expressed it) his spirit of conjuration left him entirely, that he has had no more power of that nature since than any other man living, and declares he does not now so much as know how he used to charm and conjure. He continued under convictions of his sinful and perishing state all the fall, and part of the winter, but was not so deeply exercised till January, and then the word of God took such hold of him, that he was brought into great distress, and knew not what to do. He continued under the heavy pressure of a wounded spirit; and, February 1st, was brought into the utmost agony of soul, which continued that night, and part of next day. After this, observing him to appear remarkably calm and composed, I asked him how he did? He replied, "It is done, it is done, it is all done now.' I asked him what he meant. He answered, "I can never do any more to save myself, it is all done for ever, I can do no more." I asked him whether he could not do a little more, rather than go to hell? He replied, "My heart is dead, I can never help myself." I asked him what he thought would become of him? He replied, "I must go to hell." I asked him, if he thought it was right God should send him to hell? He answered, "Oh, it is right! the devil has been in me ever since I was born." I asked him, if he felt this the evening before, when he was in such great distress? He replied, "No, I did not then think it was right. I thought God would then send me to hell, and that I was then dropping into it; but my heart quarrelled with God, and would not say it was right he should send me there. But I know it is right; for I have always served the devil, and my heart has no goodness in it now; but it is as bad as it was, &c. In this frame of mind he continued several days, passing sentence upon himself, and constantly owning it would be right, if he should be damned, and that he expected this to be his portion. And yet it was plain he had some secret hope of mercy, though imperceptible to himself. He asked me often when I would preach again? I asked him why he desired to hear me preach, seeing his heart was dead, and all was done and he expected to go to hell? He replied, "I love to hear you speak about Christ for all." I asked him, what good will that do you, if you must go to hell at last? He answered, "I would have others come to Christ, if I must go to hell myself." He seemed to have a great love to the people of God, and nothing affected him so much as the thoughts of being separated from them. It was likewise remarkable, that in this season he was most diligent in the use of all means for his soul's salvation, although he had the clearest view of the insufficiency of means to help him. When he had continued in this frame of mind more than a week, while I was preaching, he seemed to have a lively soul-refreshing view of the excellency of Christ, and the way

of salvation by him, which melted him into tears, and filled him with admiration, comfort, and praise to God; since which, he has appeared to be a humble, devout, and affectionate Christian, serious and exemplary in his conversation and behaviour, frequently complaining of his want of spiritual warmth, and in all respects bearing the marks of one created anew in Christ Jesus. His zeal for the cause of God was remarkable, when he was with me at the Forks of Delaware last February. There being an old powow at the place, who threatened to bewitch me; this man presently challenged him to do his worst, telling him, that himself had been as great a conjurer as he, but that as soon as he felt the word in his heart, which this people loved, his power of conjuring immediately left him.—Gillies' Collections.


A BEAUTIFUL woman was condemned to die on the scaffold. Her youth, her loveliness, and reputed innocence, kindled in the hearts of multitudes the keenest sensibility for her melancholy fate. The throne had been besieged with earnest supplications for her pardon-but still without success; while hope yet whispered that at the last moment the heart of royalty might melt and grant the boon. The appointed day has come crowds gather on the fatal spot-the hour when she must die draws near. The last ray of hope expires, when, afar in the distance, a messenger comes-he rides like lightning over the plain. He comes-he comes. But the fatal hour has come before him-the fatal blow is struck her life-blood mingles with the sand, when lo! the messenger arrived, the pardon is in his hand; but it came one minute too late.



Sinner, you are under sentence of death. He that believeth not is condemned already. The hour of execution is rapidly drawing near. Each day that passes brings that set time one day nearer. It will soon open on your eyes. The King has pardon in his heart and in his hand. But he will be inquired of to grant this boon for you live, perhaps, the day of grace lingers. Perhaps it is just closing, and the night of despair setting in. Your suit, pressed now, may prevail. The pardon may be granted. The soul may be saved. . But soon the fatal hour, the hour of death, must come. You are stretched on a bed of pain. Disease has laid his iron hand upon you, and now is feeling for your heart-strings. A moment more, and you are out of mercy's reach. The voice of friendship shouts in your ear, beseeching you to pray. You turn a dying eye to heaven. You raise an expiring voice to God. But the eyelid falls-the voice chokes-the life-blood stops. It is one minute too late.

Oh sinner, now is the accepted time. Today is the day of salvation.

"Be wise to-day. 'Tis madness to defer."

-New York Observer.


ON the 13th of April, 1814, the late Rev. Dr. Waugh preached at Bridport. His text was, "And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come which were ready to perish, and shall worship the Lord in the holy mountai at Jerusalem." The words, "ready to perish," furnished him with solemn, awful, melting views of the miserable condition of the hea

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