the congregation. "5. That in no case shall any minister be allowed to participate in the benefit of the fund, whose time and labour are not exclusively devoted to his pastoral work. for it is our wish that Presbyterianism | when built, to be charged against the funds of should prevail, because we think it is best calculated to give the gospel to the world. It will be ever joyful to us and to you, dear brethren, that the Church is growing in grace among your people and ours, and that they are zealous in the prosperity of our Zion. The proceedings closed with prayer. OVERTURES ON SUSTENTATION AND ON SUPPLEMENTAL FUND. The Synod called for the overture on a General Sustentation Fund from the Presbytery of Cumberland, and the overture on a Supplemental Fund from certain members of Court; which, having been read, it was moved and seconded, and unanimously agreed to, that both overtures be remitted to the following Committee:-Messrs. Nicolson, Wilson, Professor Campbell, A. Munro, D. Fergusson, Dr. Paterson, Duncan, J. Anderson, Gardner, Huie, Welsh, and Burns (Ministers); and Messes. R. Barbour, Gillespie, Hamilton, Major Anderson, Glover, Wake, Pickett, Nisbet, and Adam (Elders); Mr. Barbour, Convener, with instructions to consider both overtures, and to frame such a measure on the matters contained in them, as may enable the Church to place its ministers in more comfortable circumstances, and to report. At a subsequent diet the Synod called for the Report of the Committee appointed to consider the overtures on a General Sustentation Fund, and on a Supplemental Fund; which Report, having been given in by the Convener, bore that the Committee would recommend to the Synod, to approve of the principle of General Sustentation Fund; but, inasmuch as it would require considerable time to carry forth such principle into practical operation, while the overture on a Supplemental Fund, as now recommended by the Committee, can be car ried into immediate effect, recommend that this latter-mentioned overture be adopted. The Report having been received, the Synod took into consideration the overture on a Supplemental Fund, which is of the following tenour: "Whereas it is essential to the maintenance of religious ordinancesin our congregations that competent sustentation should be provided for the ministry; and whereas it is desirable, towards the accomplishment of this object, that some such plan as that embodied in the following regulations be adopted : "1. That it is extremely desirable, that no ordained minister of the Synod, having the charge of a congregation, should receive a stipend of less than one hundred pounds per annum, together with a manse or house for the accommodation of his family. "2. That, in order to carry out this important object, the stipend of ministers under one hundred pounds per annum, be supplemented out of the Home Mission Fund, subject to the following regulations and conditions: 3. The Home Mission Committee shall dili- | gently enquire, through the local Committee, appointed by the Presbytery of the bounds, into the circumstances and condition of the congregation applying for assistance, and, after obtaining the requisite information, certified by the Presbytery, are authorized to make a grant to the congregagation, either subject or not to such an additional sum being raised by the congregation as may be fixed upon by the Committee; which, together with the grant made, shall make up one hundred "6. That in all cases when a vacancy occurs in a congregation receiving aid from the Home Mission Fund, all previous stipulations are to be regarded as having terminated; and where assistance is required, a new application, prior to the appoint ment of a minister, must be made to the Committee, in conformity with Rule 3. "7. That no new Mission station be sanctioned by Presbyteries where assistance is required, or likely to be so, from the Home Mission Fund, with out the concurrence of the Committee, or the sanction of the Synod, or its Commission. "8. That Wigan, in Lancashire, and Haltwhistle, in Northumberland, be exceptions to the rules and regulations herewith; and, always excepting the rights and powers of Presbyteries, that it be left to the decision of the Committee what arrangement to make with those congregations, or with any other special cases or circumstances that may occur,-the Committee to report specifically on all such cases to the Synod. "9. That in order to raise funds for the carrying out of this important object, Presbyteries be again enjoined to see that associations are immedibounds, in support of the four schemes of the Church; and, where it is possible, that deacons be appointed to superintend them; and that, at least every quarter, a statement be given in to the Presbytery of the amount raised for the different schemes by each congregation; an extract of which, as far as relates to the Home Mission, to be transmitted to the Secretary or Treasurer of the Committee, by the Deacons' Court, or Association. "10. That Presbyteries be enjoined to see, that in all those congregations applying for or receiving aid, Deacons' Courts or Committees for managing the pecuniary affairs of the congregation, be as soon as possible instituted, which Courts or Committees of management, shall take sole and exclu ately formed in every congregation within their sive charge of all moneys accruing from pew rents, church-door collections, or other sources for the sustentation of the ministry, keep regular accounts of the same, and report quarterly their receipts and disbursements, and the increase and decrease of income during the preceding quarter, to the Secretary or Treasurer of the Home Mission, That said Courts or Committees, of which the Trustees of the Congregation shall be ex officio members, shall exhibit to the Presbytery of the bounds once a quarter their accounts duly made up, and on the same being audited and passed by the Presbytery, they shall be authorized to apply to the Treasurer of the Home Mission for the quarter's payment of the grant condescended upon as available for their congregation, which money shall be paid to the minister by them. "11. That immediately after the rising of the Synod, the Committee be empowered to receive applications, and as soon thereafter as possible, to make grants, subject to annual revision. "Wherefore, upon these premises, it is hereby humbly overtured to the very reverend the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England, now sitting, in Manchester, to take this subject into their consideration, and to do therein as to them in their wisdom may seem meet. "ROBERT BARBOUR, Man. "JAMES ANDERSON, Minist., Morpeth. "That whereas it is of the greatest importance, pounds. And in the event of a congregation not for the prosperity and extension of the Presbyte. fulfilling the stipulations made with Committee, it will be optional, whether to withhold the grant in whole or in part, until the conditions are fulfilled. "4. That it be an instruction to the office-bearers of congregations which have no manses applying for aid, as soon as possible to raise funds, and erect, free of debt, a suitable house for the minis of a dwelling-house, or the interest of a manse, ter. But the Committee are not to allow the rent rian Church this land, that some provision be made for her ministers, similar to the Sustentation Fund of the Free Church in Scotland it is hereby humbly overtured, to the Rev. the Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England, by the Presbytery of Cumberland, "1. That as many of the poorer Congregations are not able to support their ministers, it is most to establish a Central Sustentation Fund, out of desirable that means be adopted by the Synod which all the brethren will receive their necessary support. "2. That such a fund would greatly tend to unite the richer and poorer brethren more closely together in the bonds of brotherly love and Christian unity; and would lead ministers and people to feel more their mutual dependance on one another, for the support of the Gospel, and the enlargement of the Redeemer's kingdom. "3. That it is manifestly impossible that some of the brethren can keep themselves out of worldly embarrassments, by which their usefulness is greatly hindered; and that to keep them and their families out of debt, it is absolutely necessary that the Rev. the Synod take this matter into their prayerful consideration, with a view of making an effort to establish a Sustentation Fund, which will secure the comfort of the wealthier brethren still, and raise their poorer bretbren from the sufferings and hardships they are now called to endure to a more independent position, for more effectually carrying out the mind of Christ as ministers of the Gospel." Extracted from the Minutes of the Cumberland Presbytery. M. HARVEY, Clerk. Mr. ROBERT BARBOUR, (after some remarks upon the past history of the Presbyterian Church in England, said,) Moderator, if we are to have men amongst us to speak the Divine truth, it is our duty to place them in a comfortable and independent position. I do not say that the measure which is now submitted to this house is all that ought to be done, and I must say that for my own part nothing would gratify me so much as to know that we could do much more. The provision which is contemplated, though it may not do all I wish to see done for our ministers, I hope will place them in a much better position. We shall do away with one stigma that is cast upon us, and we shall be able to say that we have no ministers who receive less than one hundred pounds a year, and more than that, that such minister ought to have a private dwelling. I hope that it will raise the stipends of ministers in other countries, and that it will have a great moral influence upon the ministers themselves. I wish my brother elders to understand me that we ought to have done more than we have hitherto done. We must feel it a great privilege and gratification to have raised such ministers from their inferior position. One principle stated in the Report is, that we should impress on this house the importance of establishing through the congregations gregations deacons, leacons, in look after the financial schemes of the congregations. This, I say, is an important thing. I know there are difficulties. We ought not to shut our eyes to difficulties. The congregations are not to avoid difficulties, but they must go the right way to work to get rid of them. In respect to the principle whether the Supplementary or Sustentation Fund is the best for our Churches, this is a question which will require some consideration; but I will state the principle with reference to our position as a Church. Taking it in every point of view it appears to me that the supplementary principle is the wiser course under present circumstances. We can, however, see how it works for a year or two. In order to carry out this object additional funds will be required. I have no fear that they will be provided, for I think the way in which we have gone on during the last six months fully justifies me in saying that it will be done. I therefore move that the overture on a Supplemental Fund, as also the regulations embodied in it, be adopted and passed into a law of this Church. in order that they may Mr. BURNS.-Moderator, I was appointed to support the overture on a Sustentation unnecessary to detain the house by any obFund, but after what has been said I feel it I servations in support of that overture. Dr. BROWN.-Moderator, I cordially agree with my friend Mr. Burns in the remarks which he made in support of the overture. I have but little to say in support either of the one overture or the other. I think the overture from our Presbytery would not have been forwarded had we been aware that there was another to be brought before the house. I should not object to our overture being withdrawn by the consent of the Presbytery now present. We are not particular whether it be a Supplemental Fund or Sustentation Fund that is agreed on. our congregations were in such a position that | I look at my own family, and hear that they could only utter the infantile cry for Mr. HAMILTON. - Moderator, I have heard Mr. ANDERSON, of Morpeth. ---Moderator, I Mr. WILSON.-Moderator, many may be opposed to the Regium Donum of the Christian Church, but there is something that will be pleasing to the King of Zion in the statement that has been made. Mr. Barbour never made in the Synod of England a speech like that which he has now made. It is essentially necessary for the prosperity of our cause, and the extension of our cause, in this country, that no brother be allowed to live in such cir there is a brother-if he be a hard-working brother, and if he be a man of God-not having a bountiful supply of the necessaries of life, but wanting, as my beloved friend, Mr. Hamilton, has said, every thing that would place him in the circumstances that an educated gentleman ought to be in? I shall do every thing I possibly can to help in this most momentous and interesting cause. could not go away without expressing these feelings which have been produced so strongly in my mind. I Mr. MURDOCH. - Moderator, I know the energies of our people were depressed by the secular, selfish principle of those who, profess- pr ing to be ministers of Christ, but were moved to the service of Mammon. No wrong impression ought to go abroad. I hope it may not be thought, we have hard-working, faithful labourers in the vineyard of Christ, ill-requited by the parties amongst whom their labours have been exerted. When a minister does his work faithfully and with devotedness to his Divine Master, when he preaches of Christ and as a servant under Christ, and when the people suffer for Christ's sake, sake, his Master will awaken that sympathy and liberality, on the part of his people, which will not leave him in the position that many of us have to deplore, that many of our ministers are left in. Many parties suffer a bitter heritage from the doings of their predecessors. We ought to acknowledge the gift of His Holy Spirit in leading us to bear with meekness our complaints. There has been a meekness, and a bearing, and a forbearing, that evidently comes from the Spirit and grace of God. Our friend who has brought forward this overture will find himself refreshed by the devoted faithfulness of the ministers of our Church, which will be the best guarantee for the success of the scheme which he has set before this house. The question having been then put, it was unanimously agreed that the regulations on a Supplemental Fund should be adopted and passed into law, as also they were accordingly. Thursday, April 23, 1846. THE REPORT OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE Being called for was given in, and read by Professor Lorimer, in the absence of the Convener (Mr. William Stevenson, of London), who was prevented from being in his place by indisposition. The Report was as follows: REPORT OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE. THIS Committee originated in certain overtures which were sent up to the Synod last year, setting forth the importance of the institution of day-schools in connexion with all her congregations. The Synod adopted these overtures, and appointed this Committee to take the management of this new department of the Church's business. The instructions given to the Committee were the following: "The Synod authorized the Committee to take all the necessary steps for obtaining information in regard to the state of education among the youth of the Church, and for procuring funds, and appointed the Rev. Prof. Lorimer and the Rev. James Anderson, a deputation to visit the different Presbyteries during the ensuing summer, for the purpose of explaining and enforcing this object, and the duty of the Church in regard to it." The Committee have now to report their diligence in the matters thus entrusted to them. Their first care was to ascertain, as correctly as possible, the actual amount of existing provision for the education of the youth of our congregations. For this purpose they lost no time in issuing schedules of queries to all the ministers of the Synod, designed to bring out not only the number of schools existing, but also, as nearly as possible, the number of children under fourteen years of age, for whose benefit such schools should exist; and the proportion of those children who were not receiving instruction in the shorter Catechism in any of the day-schools which they were attending. To these queries, they regret to state, that only forty-three returns were made, out of about seventy that might have been expected; so that the abstract which the Committee were able to make up, and which was soon after published in the "Messenger," was by no means so perfect or complete as they could have desired. That abstract will again be submitted to the attention of the Church in the shape of an Appendix to this Report. The Committee, at present, only crave the attention of the Synod to the following facts derived from it :Estimated number of children under Do. Northumberland the grants accordingly. Returns having been | grants for sustaining schools already formed, and made, duly attested by Presbyteries, the following grants were subsequently voted : 10,000 21 2 Prosbytery of London 8 Dudley .. 10 2 8 £170 1 The following large and important towns stand thus: Birmingham, no school; Sunderland, none; Newcastle, none; Liverpool, none; London, none. That is to say, with the exception of Manchester, which has five schools, all the other great seats of trade and influence, occupied by our Church, are unprovided with schools in which her children can be taught her own principles. The number of our own children attending the twenty-one day-schools returned, is 858, i. e., less than one in ten of the whole estimated number of our children. With these returns before them, the Committee saw that two distinct objects must thenceforward occupy their attention. I. The sustentation of schools already existing. I. The objects contemplated this year in the school sustentation department, have been to enable those congregations who are already provided with day-schools, to support them better than they have hitherto been supported, to put them on a more efficient footing with regard to teachers, and to surmount the strong opposition with which they have in some cases to contend in the schools of other denomina. tions. One way of accomplishing these objects is evidently to improve the salaries offered to teachers. In many cases these salaries were found to be exceedingly low, and inadequate; in many instances even these small salaries could only be made up by making the fees inconveniently high, and higher than those of other competing schools, a circumstance which gave the latter an obvious advantage, and made it difficult for our schools to keep the field, or even to retain in connexion with them the children of our own poor Presbyterian families. The only remedy for these evils was the formation of a central fund, out of which grants might be made annually, to raise the salaries of the teachers to a moderate height; by which means, better qualified men might be secured, and, when secured, retained; and also, the rate of fees, in those cases where they were too high, reduced to a more convenient scale, without making the salary of the teachers lower, or even as low as before. To draw out the liberality of the Church in behalf of such a fund, the Committee prepared an address and appeal, in anticipation of the day fixed by the Synod for a collection in aid of day schools, viz., the second Sabbath of August, which address was printed in the "Messenger," and also in a separate form for distribution. The result was very encouraging. A sum of between two and three hundred pounds was immediately put at the disposal of the Committee, and that sum has since increased to 3441. Os. 9d., an amount which has proved more than adequate to meet all the cases which have come before the Committee for aid. Forty-six congregations out of seventy-four upon the roll of Synod, have made collections for this fund; a number, showing at once how much has been done in the way of interesting our people in this object, and how much-and it is plainly a good deal still remains to be accomplished. Before proceeding to vote away these funds, the Committee deemed it necessary to issue a second schedule of queries, to all those ministers who had dayschools connected with their congregations; with the view of possessing themselves of the particulars of every case in which application should be made for aid, and of regulating the amount of South Shields Hexham Presbytery of Lancashire : In reference to these grants, the Synod will be gratified to observe that they were applied for only in cases where assistance was really neces sary. There are several other schools on the Synod's list, for which no application has been made, because they are either self-sustaining, or because the congregations with which they are connected are able and willing to support them without aid from the fund. II. We come now to the second department of the Committee's business, viz., the institution of additional day-schools in connexion with the Synod. The business of this department divides itself into two portions. New schools may be formed in two ways; either some convenient room may be rented, and classes commenced there on a temporary footing, till school-houses be provided; or, where such accommodation is not to be obtained, school-houses must be built, and permanent arrangements made at once. The Committee have here, therefore, two distinct objects to pro1. The aiding of congregations in commencing day-schools, where no assistance in building is required; and secute : 2. The aiding of congregations in erecting new school-houses. In regard to the former of these two objects. some progress has already been made. In the last mentioned schedule a query was inserted, intended to ascertain the cases in which it was deemed practicable, with the aid of the Committee, to institute new Schools. This inquiry had the effect of bringing out six cases, in which the want of Schools was severely felt, and in which it was considered practicable to make a hopeful commencement. The Committee felt that it was a point of much importance to give all the encouragement in their power to cases of this kind, and they accordingly agreed to the following grants, to be paid when the proposed new schools are commenced. The Committee earnestly hope that the prospeet of receiving these grants, to aid in supporting the teachers who may be engaged to commence new schools, will have the effect of stimulating and encouraging the ministers and sessions of these localities, to expedite and complete their arrangements, and thus add considerably to the educational apparatus of the Church. The only regret which the Committee feel upon this sub. ject is, that the number of applications for aid in such cases has not been much greater. They cherish the hope, however, that the desire to realize the goodly union of church and school, will spread rapidly through the Synod, and that this desire will be quickened by the aid which the Committee have already been able to give towards this object, through the liberality of the grants to aid in the institution of new schools, affords an excellent opportunity for elevating the standard of education in these schools. The grants might be made dependent upon certain conditions, or they might be accompanied with certain requisitions, having for their object the introduction of improvements into the management of the schools, either in the shape of better qualified teachers, or a better description of school-books, or a more intellectual and effective system of instruction. This is, surely, an opportunity of effecting improvements which ought not to be let slip. In truth, it becomes the positive duty of the Synod, to take care that the liberality of our people should be applied only to the support and institution of schools which are really useful and effective. From the returns before them, the Committee are persuaded that there is much room for improvement in many of the schools already existing; but the Synod has not yet formally entrusted them with any power or discretion in this matter, nor is the Committee possessed of sufficiently accurate information in regard to the condition of these schools, to be prepared to annex conditions or requirements to their grants, even if it had the power to do so. These remarks suggest two recommendations, which the Committee would now submit to the Synod. 1. That power should be given to the Committee so to use the funds entrusted them, as to make the allocation of them the means of improving the condition of the schools. 2. That a Deputation should be appointed to visit all the existing schools, this summer, with the view of ascertaining exactly their present educational state and arrangements, so as to enable the Committee, in making the grants of next year, to make such stipulations as may be applicable to each case. If the powers sought for in the first of these recommendations are granted to the Committee, it would be necessary to make the grants voted next year prospective, and conditional upon the fulfilment of the stipulations required. These stipula tions, of course, would require to be of a moderate kind, and such as might reasonably be expected to be fulfilled without too much difficulty. Wecannot hope to raise our educational standard to the highest point at once, it can only be done gradualty, in the case of schools already established. The Committee may hope to gain their object more rapidly in the case of new schools which they assist in commencing; for there is no reason why the best school-books, and the best system of teaching, should not be introduced into such schools at the very outset. It might, also, be advisable, next year, to transmit the grants made, in half-yearly instalments; and it should be distinctly understood, in every case, that the grants are not made to individual teachers, so as to give them a claim to them, whatever may be the faults which the Sessions may have seen reason, since the date of former grants, to find with them: the grants, in every case, are to be understood as made to the schools, and to be at the disposal of the respective Sessions, for the purposes of salary to the teachers, the Sessions having the responsibility and the power either of paying the sums entrusted to them to the teachers at present in the schools, or of reserving them for other teachers more efficient, whom they purpose to appoint, provided always, that these new appointments be made within the financial year. It should also be understood, that applications for grants must be renewed and reconsidered from year to year, and that the Committee, by making a grant in any one year, do not come under any obligation to continue it longer than they see expedient. With respect to the object of aiding in the erection of new school-houses, the Committee have not been able, as yet, to accomplish much. They prepared, it is true, an extensive scheme for raising funds for this purpose, which they submitted to the Commission of Synod, whien sat in Manchester last July, and which was approved of by that body. But the advocacy of the scheme by a deputation was postponed at that time, it being judged more immediately urgent that the attention of the Church should anew be called to the claims of the College and Home Mission. Nor has the proposal to bring forward this schoolbuilding scheme been since renewed; on the contrary, the Committee, at a meeting held November 25, 1845, unanimously agreed that the scheme should be still further postponed, on the ground that there was not a sufficiently encourag ing prospect of its being carried out effectually in Brought forward ,,A. M'Donald, for Printing " A. Macintosh, for Printing ,, Stationery, Books, Postages, &c. Balance in hand present circumstances. It will remain for the Synod to give such instructions as it thinks good to the Committee upon this important subject. Meanwhile, it is gratifying to know that the number of new school-houses has been increasing, independently of aid from this Committee. In most of the new churches which have recently been built, if not in all of them, school-rooms London, 14th April, 1846. have been provided; and in the enlargement which has recently been made of River-terrace church, this important object has not been overlooked. In conclusion, the Committee cannot but congratulate the Synod, that the Church has been led to recognise the vital importance of looking well to her educational provisions; and that so encouraging a commencement has been made in this new department of her affairs. Much, very much, however, still remains to be accomplished. Not nearly one-half of her churches are yet provided with day-schools of any kind; not one-tenth of her children, under fourteen years of age, have the advantage of being taught in schools cenducted under her own superintendence, and animated by her own principles; and of the rest, very few indeed are attending schools where the Shorter Catechism is taught. And in the schools already existing, much remains to be done to improve the system of teaching, by introducing the most approved modern methods. The Committee, therefore, trust that the Church will prosecute this branch of her affairs with increasing vigour and perseverance; that thus she may acquit herself more adequately than she has ever yet done of the sacred duties she owes to the lambs of her flock. THE TREASURERS OF THE SCHOOL FUND. £ s. d. 168 20 104 2 5 25 5 8 28 2 1 13 12 3 4 16 4 دو ... WM. STEVENSON, A. MORRISON, 256 £344 14 7 Treasurers. We have audited the accounts of the Treasurers of the School Fund, and found them correct. Balance in hand £151 11s. 7d., and that against this sum conditional grants for £105 have been made. London, 14th April, 1846. ALEX. GILLESPIE, PETER LORIMER. Mr. LAMB.-Moderator, it is not necessary to trouble the Synod with any remarks at length, or entering into any arguments, on the subject of the education of the young persons connected with this Church, for it is by such means we shall secure their continual attachment to our Church and its doctrines. I think that the Synod will agree that we owe considerable thanks to the gentleman who brought this subject before the Synod at the last meeting; and we must all deplore the distressing circumstances in which he is placed. There are some things in the Report of the Committee which it is necessary to notice. The Committee ought to have the power to make stipulations in the terms with reference to which the grants should be made. The money ought not to be handed over without check or control; and it has been suggested that the Committee should lay down some uniform scheme of education, and that, with reference to the modes of teaching, the Committee may adopt that which is most effective. I beg to move, "That the Report 0 13 10 be adopted the thanks of Synod given to the Convener for his diligence, and its sympathy expressed in regard to the state of his 151 11 7 health, which has led to his resigning the Convenership-appoint a large Committee for this year, with instructions to prepare a scheme for conducting elementary education and school arrangements, to be recommended for adoption in all our schools; and with powers, in making grants from the funds, to attach such conditions as they may deem necessary for ensuring the most efficient instructions and arrangements; with powers also to appoint one or more of their number to visit and report upon the condition of the schools, inhibiting such deputation, however, from interfering with the visitorial powers of Presbyteries-and, further, that the Committee be instructed to take such steps, as to them may seem proper, for encouraging the establish ment of schools of a higher order and cha £344 14 7 105 0 0 Leaving unappropriated £46 11 7 By Northumberland Presbytery, Cr. for Grants to £ s. d. racter." Mr. D. FERGUSSON. - Moderator, I have great pleasure in seconding the resolution. I 7500 think it is a matter of deep regret, on looking at the financial statement presented by Professor Lorimer, that this scheme should be less flourishing than any of the other schemes presented to us. We should not make com3500 parisons, but I think it is a most important scheme. We at present feel the want of these things. I know nothing so much calculated to sap the foundation of our congrega3000 tions as the want of day schools. The Esta blished Church of England makes no objection to the establishment of our churches; but when we make an attempt to establish a school, or when to make our schools more efficient, they resist us to the uttermost. I do 17 10 0 trust that both ministers and elders will carry this impression home with them-that there is nothing so necessary for preserving our £182 10 0 congregations as persevering in training our 10 00 10 00 500 young people in the whole catechism of our Church. I think that some instruction should be given to the Committee to draw out a scheme that would not merely do this, but in some measure render the schools capable of preparing young men for entering the college. Professor LORIMER.-Moderator, I am glad that Mr. Fergusson threw out this last suggestion. These schools will be a kind of stepping stone to the college, and the sons of our respected Presbyterian members may receive the ground work of the classics, and from thence they may go to college. I wish the Synod would give an instruction to the Committee as to the desirableness of encouraging a higher order of schools, and act as may seem to them best. Mr. MCLYMONT.-Moderator, I entirely agree with Mr. Fergusson as to the great importance of this scheme, as laying the foundation of all the rest; for I have regretted much to see not merely the ministers moving from place to place, but also an entire absence of any one to control the children. When we were neglecting our duty in this matter others were not. Mr. Fergusson has remarked that the Church of England has been very busy in doing it, and that, whilst they do not care for our churches or ministers, they take very great pains to get our children. They take most disgraceful means to effect their object, setting at defiance all respect for the civil and religious liberty of the people. There were two means which they took to obtain scholars-one was by bribery, by giving work or clothes to those who would send their children to their schools and the second was that if they did take them away they would deprive them of work. If that principle be tolerated, that the children are a property, as it were for sale, and that the party who gives them work is to have the control of their souls, this, I contend, is laying the plan for the overthrow of the foundations of civil and religious liberty in this country. Icall upon this Synod to explode the doctrine that if the poor man be under a rich man that, therefore, his children ought to be under the rich man. Mr. JAMES FERGUSON. - Moderator, I am very much gratified by the Report which has been read. If we had a day school attached to each church, such things as have just been mentioned could scarcely have occurred. I am strongly inclined to think that we cannot expect our cause in England to get on so very prosperously until to every church. The more attention I have paid to this matter the more I am convinced of the correctness of what I have stated. I deeply regret the absence of our friend, Mr. Stevenson, whose whole heart and soul is in this matter he would have been delighted to have been here, and still more delighted to know that the Synod is taking this matter up. we have a school attached our Mr. BARBOUR.-Moderator, I consider this system as one of the most important of our objects. There is a growing feeling in favour of establishing schools in which the Bible and catechism can be taught to the children of every congregation connected with Church. We ought to have classes for Latin and the other languages in our schools. I deeply regret the absence of my highly esteemed friend, Mr. Stevenson, to whom the religious world is so deeply indebted, and whose presence here would have gratified us all. I wish every success to the school scheme. Professor CAMPBELL.-Moderator, Mr. Stevenson addressed a letter to me, as Moderator, resigning his Convenership, and assigning the reasons that necessitated his ings. I most deeply lament that Mr. Stevenson should be in circumstances to find it necessary for a time (and I do fondly hope but a short time) to remove from the active superintendence of this scheme. A more influential convener than Mr. Stevenson this Church could not supply in connexion with that scheme-nor is there one who takes up the subject with more enthusiasm; there is no one who would more willingly spend and be spent in this service than our late Convener. I think we ought to offer up special prayer for our friend's recovery, and for the recovery of another member of the School Committee, who is detained by personal affliction-I mean Mr. James Hamilton. taking a step so very painful to his own feel- | REFERENCE FROM THE PRESBYTERY | rectory for Ordination," already referred to, Mr. JOSIAS WILSON. ---Moderator, no one can know the anxiety of that man and his feelings with reference to this scheme but one who is on intimate terms with him. You cannot be with him an hour but he is sure to bring the subject of the school system forward. He dreams about it at night, and he talks of it by day. I look upon a deputation as a very important suggestion. I think that two' or three, or four inspectors ought to be appointed to inspect the schools. I deeply regret the absence both of Mr. Stevenson and of Mr. Hamilton. MAJOR ANDERSON. - Moderator, I dare not sit silent and listen to that part of the Report which states that the Building Fund would be suspended. The establishment of schools ever be dear to my heart. I know that when we have been permitted to tell the people in that part of the country where I reside that we would build a school for them, and open it on the old Presbyterian principle, and establish it on the old Scotch system, intelligence was always joyfully received; and if we could open such a school to-morrow, we should have a most numerous attendance, and it would be a most important assistance to the Church. This is a subject that has en. grossed our attention for years; but we were oppressed by an incubus of debt, and we could not carry it out. If it was possible to carry this Building Fund out, I believe that its effects would be exceedingly beneficial. Professor LORIMER.--Moderator, one reason that was urged against the continuance of the Building Fund was the largeness of the scheme. I think that if we had proposed to raise a fund for building fifty schools we should have had much better success than in an attempt to raise a fund for building one hundred. Mr. GILLESPIE.-Moderator, this matter has been considered in London and it has also been considered in Committee, and, for my part, I differ with some of the speakers. I am quite sure that if we set about it energeti cally, with the intention of working it out, we could raise very soon and as easily money for a hundred schools as for fifty. But the circumstances that led the Committe in November to delay this matter have not disappeared. We do not give up the scheme; but I do not recommend that any movement should be made with regard to it at present. With regard to Mr. Stevenson and the convenership, I know that he has a tender feeling with reference to the efficient discharge of any duty that he undertakes, and that to continue him in office in his present state of health would be causing him to do more than would be agreeable to his feelings, indeed I think he would feel hurt by it. OF LONDON IN THE CASE OF MR. HUNTER. [As there was no reporter present during the discussion on this reference, we may here give a short summary of the arguments employed by Professor Campbell, Messrs. Munro, Lamb, D. Fergusson, Gardner, Storie, &c. in support of the principles of the motion that was carried. We refer to the reasons of dissent (hereunto appended) for the arguments used on the other side, and to the answers (drawn up by Mr. Nicolson) to these reasons for a further exposition of the principles maintained by the Synod. The facts of the case were shortly as follows: -Mr. Hunter, an Independent minister, applied for admission to the Presbytery of London, and that Presbytery appointed a Committee to examine into the case and to report. The Committee, in the course of their enquiries, found every reason to be satisfied with Mr. Hunter's personal character, but ascertained also that he had not been ordained by the imposition of hands. The Presbytery on hearing this report, without expressing any judgment, referred the whole case to the Synod, and appointed Mr. Nicolson to state the reference. Such are the simple facts of the case. The arguments in favour of the motion were to this effect: The question the Synod has to decide is not what is essential to ordination, nor is it consequently called upon to pronounce any decision upon the validity or invalidity of ordination in other Churches. That the Synod does not deny the validity of ordination in Independent Churches, for example, has been demonstrated by the fact that various ministers ordained by Independents have already been admitted into this Church. The only question before the Court is, What do the standards of this Church require of all her Courts and of all her ministers? This question can easily be answered. In the "Form of Church Government" (one of the standards of this Church), in the chapter entitled "Touching the Doctrines of Ordinanation," it is said "Every minister of the Word is to be ordained by imposition of hands and prayer." Again, in the chapter entitled "Touching the Power of Ordination," it is said "The preaching presbyters orderly associated either in cities or neighbouring villages (that is in Presbytery assembled as the first section states,) are those to whom the imposition of hands doth appertain, for those congregations within their bounds respectively." Both these statements are repeated in the next chapter, entitled "Concerning the Doctrinal Part of the Ordination of Ministers," and in the chapter next following, headed "The Directory for the Ordination of Ministers," rules minute and stringent are laid down for the performance of the solemn act of ordination, in which it is required that every minister set apart to his holy office in this Church should be " ordained by the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery." So far, then, as ordinations administered in this Church are concerned, there can be no question that imposition of hands is regarded as indispensable. But another question arises; in the case of ministers of other Churches applying for admission, is it required that they too must have received imposition of hands? The "Form of Church Government" already quoted has decided this point also, and determined that all such applicants must The Moderator put the motion, which was have received imposition of hands, or must recarried, and prayer having been accordingly ceive it, before they are appointed pastors of offered, the house adjourned at four o'clock. | congregations in this Church. In the "Di after very minute regulations concerning the mode in which ordination is to be administered in this Church, it is decided (sec. 10.), that ministers ordained " according to the form" in use in the Church of England, are to be "admitted without any new ordaination," because ordination received in that Church is "held, for substance, to be valid." From this passage, it is plain, that ministers whose ordination may not be disputed in their own Churches, may yet, if they apply for admission into this Church, require to be "admitted with new ordination;" and that just upon the simple principle that the question here is not what is essential to ordination generally, but what does the Presbyterian Church require to the ordination of her ministers. It will be further borne in mind, that in the Church of England presbyters are ordained by the laying on of the hands of at least three or four officers, the prelate included. Again, in section 11, it is decided that, "in case any person already ordained minister in Scotland, or in any other reformed Church, be designed to another congregation in England, he is to bring from that Church, to the Presbytery here, within which that congregation is, a sufficient testimonial of his ordination, &c., &c." The Church of Scotland, at the time when this rule was formed, it is well known, ordained with imposition of hands; and so did all the reformed Churches on the Continent, as any one may easily ascertain by consulting their Confessions. Indeed, with the exception of a few obscure "sectaries," all the Churches in the world at the time, required or practised imposition of hands in ordination. Whether the laying on of hands was a scriptural rite, if not necessary, to be retained, and so proper, was never a question between the Presbyterians and the Independents in the Westminster Assembly, but only, who are the parties entitled to lay on hands; whether other ministers, as the Presbyterians maintained, or the Churchmembers, as in certain instances, the Independents contended, all acknowledging, that the rite was scriptural and so proper in itself. If the 11th section, therefore, is to be interpreted by the light of history, it is clear, that imposition of hands is required by the Westminster Standards even in the case of ministers admitted from other Churches. The importance they attached to the rite is manifest from the frequency with which, as we have already seen, it is mentioned, and may be further discovered from section 12 of the "Form of Church Government," which is as follows:"That records be carefully kept, in the several Presbyteries, of the names of the persons ordained, with their testimonials, the time and place of their ordination, of the Presbyters who did impose hands upon them, &c.” Nor do we think that undue, that is, unscriptural, importance was attached to the rite; at all events, it will be seen, from a passage given in the sequel, that Calvin did not think that there was. We are aware that it has often been attempted to make a distinction between the rite and the substance of ordination. (To be continued in next number.) Printed by ALEXANDER MACINTOSH, of No. 20, Great Newstreet, Fetter-lane, London, and published by JAMES MACINTOSH, of No. 47, Church-road, De Beauvoirsquare, in the parish of Hackney, at the Office, No. 16, Exeter Hall, Strand, London, by whom communications to the Editor (post-paid) and advertisements are received. Friday, May 29, 1846. Sold by HAMILTON, ADAMS, and Co., Paternoster-row; and JAMES NISBET and Co., 21, Berners-street. PRICE-PER ANNUM, Stamped (to go post-free).... Four Shillings. ............. Three Shillings. Unstamped Advertisements received not later than the 20th of each month. |