and some of the Hindu Shasters, so that he has had an opportunity of informing his mind as to the difference between them. In his affidavit he has not set himself up as being a well-informed established Christian, but as one that desires to be further instructed in the Christian religion. "I think there is no want of intelligence in the lad. He shows intelligence in his answers. He gave no absurd and ignorant answers; some were remarkably correct, though he failed in answering every question put to him. If the questions had been put in another mode, he might have done better. But he has done enough to satisfy me as to his possessing discretion-as to his competency to know right from wrong, good from evil, falsehood from truth." After stating at great length the grounds of his decision, Sir William Burton concluded with these words :— "However painful it may be to the father, and however strong my instinctive desire may be to alleviate his pain and to sympathize with him, I must not hesitate to say, as a Christian judge bound to protect the weak against the strong, to defend the rights of conscience even against the strongest claims of nature, that what the boy has chosen for himself is the truth. And in this case I do that which was done by Lord Mansfield in Rex v. Delaval, I order that the child be freed from all restraints, and be at liberty to choose where to go; and I direct the sheriff to see that his choice is carried into effect." The judge then, addressing the boy, said, "Rajavooloo, come here, my boy. You are at liberty to choose where you will go. Come here to me." Rajavooloo then went up near the judge. Mr. Justice Burton. Where do you wish to go-is it to your father or to Mr. Anderson? Rajavooloo said, To Mr. Anderson. Judge. Is that your desire?-R. Yes. J. Are you persuaded by your own mind, or by any one else?-R. It is by my own mind. The judge then directed the sheriff to see that Rajavooloo was safely conveyed to Mr. Anderson's school. The intense excitement occasioned by these proceedings may be gathered from the following extract from the "Athenæum," one of the Madras newspapers: "The multitude now about the court con sisted of between three and four thousand persons at the least, of all castes, the Brahmins preponderating; and immediately after the decision there was a general commotion and much evidence of discontent. It was difficult for those who had been in court to get out of it, because of the press and throng at the principal entrance, all anxious to see the boy whose deliverance from idolatry had been pronounced from the highest tribunal at the Presidency. The Brahmins lost all hope, and gave symptoms of a desire to rescue the boy at whatever risk; and although the police exerted themselves with a view to the dispersion of the congregated masses, the multitude retained their ground, only shifting position according to their belief at the time as to what door the boy would be brought out from; for it was considered advisable to retain him within the walls of the court until the excitement should subside and the throng be thinned. But as there was no appearance of dispersion until a late hour in the evening, Mr. Anderson's coach was directed to be brought within an adjacent compound which communicated with the court house, another coach being so stationed at the sheriff's office as to attract the attention of the populace. The Rev. Mr. Braidwood, the deputy-sheriff, the chief constable, and the boy Rajavooloo entered Mr. Anderson's coach, and the shutters of it having been closed on all sides, the coachman was instructed to drive homewards; but ere the coach attained the gate of the compound alluded to, the multitude had already received notice of the fact. They assailed the conveyance, headed by a number of Brahmins, and but for good coachmanship the results might have been very serious. The head of the horse was attempted to be seized, but the animal was made to plunge and go off at full gallop, the Brahmins and others resolutely following the vehicle, shouting and raising a tumult. They pelted the carriage in its progress with stones and other missiles to the no small risk of those within it, the coachman receiving several blows, but still determinedly retaining his seat in the execution of his duty. Up to the gate of the mission premises, all was confusion and tumult, the crowds gathering in strength; but a wise, precautionary measure that of having a body of police at the gate-secured the inmates of the coach from further molestation, for immediately on its arrival, and before the pursuit could be well followed up, they were within the compound, and the gate closed and defended. A short time subsequent to this, the deputy-sheriff was escorted back to his office, and the Rev. Mr. Anderson, who was there or about the court, brought in safety to the mission premises. All was soon quiet and still, and Rajavooloo remains with the missionaries." BOMBAY. THE Free Church at Bombay, under the pastorate of the Rev. Alexander G. Fraser, is prospering and it is interesting in the reports of their proceedings to observe the sympathy shown with the Churches at home. "Our hearts are much affected," Mr. Fraser writes, "by the good intelligence of all that God is doing in and by the Free Church of Scotland. We intend, in a week or two, to have a collection for the John Knox monument. We have made collections for the Vaudois, and for the Irish." May the blessing of God rest on this branch of the Free Church in the East! WHEN the intelligence of the disturbances in this island (an account of which will be found in the "Messenger" for November) reached Lisbon, a Portuguese war vessel was sent, having on board a commission of inquiry. The investigations have issued in the appointment of a new Governor, and the dismissal of the head of police. The priest, who was one of the leaders of the mob, is under censure. Compensation, it is supposed, will be made to Dr. Kalley for the loss of his property. But the chief sufferers from these disgraceful proceedings are now incapable of being benefited by any tardy acts of justice on the part of the Portuguese Government Nearly five hundred of the converts have been driven from their native isle. They have found an asylum chiefly in Trinidad; and we rejoice exceedingly in being able to announce, that the Rev. Mr. Hewitson, whose labours among them, before the persecution, were so much honoured, has consented to follow them to Trinidad, and to devote himself to their spiritual interests there during the winter. We shall feel the most lively interest in this mission, both from the esteem in which we hold our brother, Mr. Hewitson, and from the noble character of these Madeiranese converts. In leaving their beautiful island, "the flower of the ocean," as it is fitly termed, and going into exile for conscience sake, the same spirit has been displayed as in the pilgrim fathers from among our English Puritans, who first made the wilds of America sound with the glad voices of Christian freemen. We rejoice that a British colony has the honour of affording a refuge to these Protestant converts. "Nearly five hundred of the converts" (writes the Rev. Mr. Nairn, minister of the Presbyterian Church at Madeira,) "have gone to Trinidad and other parts of the West Indies. The reality and the strength of their faith were abundantly proved by the spirit in which they endured their sufferings for the name of Jesus. Many of them were reduced to a state of utter destitution, and those of them who had a little property, were compelled to dispose of it at such a price as their heartless persecutors chose to put upon it. But none of these things moved them from their stedfastness. They were enabled to take joyfully the spoiling of their goods, and they went forth praising the Lord, who had opened their eyes to turn them from the darkness of Popery to the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ. One man, for instance, in his haste to depart, disposed of his fazenda, or patch of ground, for 150 dollars (30,) and the purchaser the next day refused for it 400 dollars. Another, who possessed live stock of considerable value, after having been earnestly entreated by his friends to recant, as the only means of retaining his property, literally left all, that he might hold fast by what he had found to be the pearl of great price, The neighbours never believed that he could make such a sacrifice; and great was their astonishment to find that the power of conscience is stronger than either the allurements or the terrors of this present evil world. So true is it, in all places and in all ages, however much many persons may talk about faith in Christ Jesus, they really have no conception of it as that living principle which can sustain the soul under such conflicts with the things of sense as are detailed in the 11th of Hebrews." These events in Madeira furnish another proof of the unchanged spirit of the Church of Rome; of her cruelty, and her intolerance of truth. Is it not a strange infatuation, that British Christians will persist in forming their opinion of the persecuting spirit of Popery, from what they perceive of its operations in their own land, where its persecuting power is necessarily muzzled, and where its obvious policy is to avoid every course that would shock or alarm public opinion, instead of looking to the evidences which God, in his providence, is, from time to time, furnishing in other lands of its unchanged enmity to the vital doctrines of the Gospel, and of the horrid cruelties with which it visits all who may be guilty of asserting for themselves the right of private judgment? JEWISH MISSIONS. From Constantinople, Pesth, and other stations of the Free Church, there are tidings of the work of the missionaries being blessed in individual cases, and also that there are wide and effectual doors of usefulness being opened. We give an extract from a letter of the Rev. Mr. Edersheim, written from Jassy, showing how the mission is exciting the attention of the Lutheran, as well as the Jewish people. "At the time of my arrival, the pastor of THE GREEK CHURCH. THE_Rev. Mr. Thompson, on his way by the Germans was leaving town for four weeks, | to observe how the faithful and zealous work- 66 An interesting statement on the religious condition and prospects of Russia, and on the modes of usefulness there which are open to the Christians of Great Britain and America, has appeared in the "New York Evangelist," from the pen of Dr. Baird, Secretary of the American Foreign Evangelical Society, who lately made a tour of the greater part of Europe. He says: "The Greek Church is the great National Church, established by law, and maintained at great expense by tithes or other provisions. It is true that many of the parochial clergy of that Church do not receive large salaries; but, as their number is very great, the aggregate of the cost to the State, directly and indirectly, is great. Other communions are also tolerated, and even sustained by law such as the Roman Catholics in Poland and the western provinces of Russia, properly so called; the Protestants in Finland and the Baltic provinces; and the Armenians in the southern provinces. Even the Jews, the Mohammedans, and the Pagans (in Asia chiefly), have the aid of the State, directly or indirectly, in the sustentation of their respective religious worship. "But, after all, the Greek Church, or the Russo-Greek Church, as it is often called, is emphatically the Church of this empire. To it belongs the imperial family. It is the favoured Church, whose universal extension, as far as the limits of the empire, is not only the great desire and object of its hierarchy, but also of the government itself. 66 Although the Greek Church does not hold all the errors which Rome does, it unquestionably holds many of the worst of them. It is true that the parish priests are required to be married men; that there is no canon of the Church which prohibits the Scriptures to the people; that the Apocrypha, though highly and unduly honoured, is no part of the sacred canon by any formal decision of the Church; that there is no Pope in that Church; that the Eucharist is administered in both kinds, &c., &c,-yet the great errors of auricular confession, purgatory, praying for the dead, worshipping the Virgin Mary, and other saints, &c., prevail just as much in that Church as in the Roman Catholic. And although the Greek Church has never been guilty of the horrible persecutions with which Rome is chargeable, she is just as intolerant and exclusive, wherever she has the opportunity. Her hierarchy are bigoted, worldly minded, hating evangelical religion, afraid of letting the people have the Bible, and disposed by all possible means to extirpate Dissenters!" TAHITI. THE intelligence received from this afflicted island continues to be of the most distressing description. The French are still there pursuing the natives in their mountain fastnesses-burning their houses and devastating their lands. Providence, however, is against them. In every battle and skirmish they seem to be signally defeated--the natives always retiring to positions naturally impregnable, and maintaining them against all the force and fire, however formidable, with which they are assailed. The people are willing to enter upon a treaty of peace,simple cessation of hostilities; but would not submit to the protectorate, nor treat with the governor, without consulting Queen Pomare. CANADA. A NEW educational institute, of a most interesting kind, was opened last October, at Pointe aux Trembles, near Montreal. It is under the direction of the French Canadian Missionary Society, the object of which Society is to spread the Gospel among the French Canadians, numbering above half a million British subjects, sunk under the darkness of Popery, and under the yoke of institute, consisting of schools and other a numerous and wealthy priesthood. This buildings, with a farm of 100 acres attached, is intended for the training of youths in agriculture; and, at the same time, it is hoped that from among them many will become efficient agents in missionary labour. From a similar institution at Belle Riviére much good has been spread, by means of colporteurs, teachers, and missionaries. Thirty Canadian youths have been transferred from Belle Riviére station to be trained by the missionaries at the new institute, at which a hundred pupils may be educated. Most of the agents of the French Canadian Society have been approved by a committee in Geneva, composed of Dr. Malan, Dr. Merle d'Aubigne, and others; and in many places their labours have been greatly blessed, both to the natives and to the British settlers in French Canada. The training of native agents will open a wide door of usefulness, and we have great pleasure in commending the object to the consideration of any of our readers interested in these parts. The Rev. A. N. Somerville, of Glasgow, Archibald Bonar, Esq., Edinburgh, and Alex. Gillespie, Esq., London, are among the corresponding members of the committee, through whom any assistance towards the completion of the institute, or other objects of the society, may be transmitted. SIN. I cannot commit sin, but I must set my foot on the law of my Maker. I cannot gratify my lusts, but I must go over my bleeding Saviour. Therefore, away foul tempter: I hate both thee and thy motions.-Gurnall Poetry. LIFE IN EARNEST. LIFE is real life is earnest ! And the grave is not its goal; Art is long, and time is fleeting, And our hearts, though stout and brave, In the world's broad field of battle, Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife! Trust no future, howe'er pleasant! Heart within, and God o'erhead ! ̧ Footsteps on the sands of time; LONGFELLOW (American). LABOUR FOR christ. Go, labour on! spend and be spent,- Go, labour on! 'tis not for nought, Go, labour on! enough, enough, If Jesus praise thee, if He deign To notice ev'n thy willing mind, No toil for Him shall be in vain. Go, labour on thy hands are weak, Go, labour on,-while it is day, The long dark night is hastening on; Speed, speed thy work,-up from thy sloth; It is not thus that souls are won! See thousands dying at your side, Your brethren, kindred, friends at home; See millions perishing afar, 2 Cor. xii. 15. Ps. xl. 8. Acts x. 38. John xii. 26. 1 Cor. xv. 58. Lu. xviii. 29, 30. 1 John iii. 13. Haste, brethren, to the rescue come ! Toil on, toil on; thou soon shalt find For labour rest, for exile home; Soon shalt thou hear the Bridegroom's voice, The midnight peal," Behold, I come!" JACOB'S WELL. 1 Cor. iv. 3. Mat. x. 32. 1 Cor. iv. 5. Job iv. 3. Heb. vi. 12. Rom. x. 14.' Ps. xlix. 10,12. Sweet was the hour, O Lord, to thee At Sychar's lonely well, Rom. xi. 14. Jude 23. When a poor outcast heard thee there Thither, she came, but O, her heart, That whosoever will may take, Notices of Books. The Church in the House, and other Tracts. By the Rev. JAMES HAMILTON. London: Nisbet and Co. WE rejoice that these well-known tracts are here presented in a permanent form. It would be out of place to say one word in praise of writings from which tens of thousands of readers have drawn so much pleasure and profit. From the brief preface, we quote the following extract concerning the tracts relative to the Free Church of Scotland, which, having effectually served their purpose at the period of the disruption, are not included in the present volume: "Some readers may wish that I had inserted The Harp on the Willows,' and 'Farewell to Egypt.' There is nothing in either which events have not justified, or which I know the slightest reason to retract. By the fulfilment of its pledges and the wisdom of its councils, by the vigour of its institutions and the magnifience of its enterprises, and, above all, by the devotedness of its ministers, and the multitude of its members, the Free Church has so filled its quiver that it can speak with its enemies at the gate. But if, from the "gate," they could pass into its home,-could they mingle with its worshipping congregations and share the enthusiasm of its studious youth, could they listen to the high-toned and evangelistic deliberations of its assemblies, and witness the self-denial of its pastors,-few of the friends of Christianity could long remain the enemies of the Free Church of Scotland. Much prejudice has already melted away, and grateful that, as a member of a sister Church, I was once permitted to testify in its favour, I am still happier to think that friendly testimonies are superseded by its own elevated character and the growing good report of Christendom." Vital Christianity. Essays and Discourses on the Religions of Man and the Religions of God. By ALEX. VINET, D.D., Lausaune. William Collins, Glasgow and London. VINET'S Discourses have already taken their place among the few great works of this age. The same high and holy truths of evangelical religion which are illustrated historically in the pages of Merle D'Aubigue, are set forth by Vinet in profound and eloquent philosophical statement. Seldom have thoughts so deep been united with language so simple and clear in the exposition of truth; and these Discourses cannot fail to excite great influence on the spread of vital Christianity. Mr. Collins might follow up this work in his admirable series of cheap publications, by a volume of Charles Bonnet of Geneva on the evidences of Christianity, which deserves to be better known in this country. Things New and Old. THE SHORTER CATECHISM. MANY years ago we were taking shelter from the rain in a shop in Leadenhall-street, when a beggar came to the door who said that he was a Scotchman, soliciting alms; whereupon the tradesman remarked to us that he himself was a Scotchman, but had been fifty years settled in London; and that he always asked mendicants where they came from; and that he did not meet with so great a proportion of Scotch as of English and Irish beggars; and that when any professing to be his countrymen applied to him, he usually tested their veracity by asking, "What is the chief end of man?" for if they could not answer the first question in "The Shorter Catechism," they were no Scotchmen.-Christian Observer. SCOTLAND UNREFORMED AND REFORMED. BEHOLD Scotland unreformed! Bestrode in common with our other European states, with the hugest Colossus of civil and spiritual despotism which has ever crushed the free spirit or blighted the fairest interests of man Scotland had, in addition, for ages groaned under a complication of evils peculiarly her own. To look at Scotland in those early days of anarchy and bloody strife, seems like casting the eyes, now, over the sterile wilds of Tartary, with its savage Khans and boisterous marauding populace-Tartary, with its barbarous ignorance and fanatical superstition-Tartary, with its never-ending brawls and broils, and treacheries and massacres. Behold Scotland reformed! What a transition! It is like passing from the scowling tempests and bleak barrenness of an arctic winter to the calm serenity and glowing luxuriance of a tropical summer. To the change effected, the impulse given, and the seeds plentifully sowed by the reformation, is Scotland indebted for all that has so highly exalted her, physically and socially, intellectually, morally and religiously, among the nations,-her parochial schools, academies and colleges-the shrewd intelligence and provident forethought, the sober and peaceful dispositions, the thrifty and economic habits of her people-her general industry, commerce, and improved agriculture-her eminence in arts and science, literature and philosophy-and above all, her evangelical piety and moral worth, her consecrated Sabbaths and pure scriptural ordinances, her devoted allegiance to "Zion's king and Zion's cause," together with her hereditary championship for the supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ as sole Head of his own Church as well as king and governor among the nations. Nor did Scotland alone benefit from the thoroughness of her own reformation. That great event, so providentially consummated, became an emanative fountain of light and life to other lands. Its influence was sensibly felt in Holland and other continental kingdoms. It converted the north of Ireland into a living garden of evangelism, along the confines of a dreary Popish desert. It acted in a thousand ways on the evolutions of the national mind of England. More particularly towards the middle of the seventeenth century did the vital spirit of the Reformation, which successive despots, by every expedient of force and fraud, had vainly striven to extinguishburst forth with an augmented force, which carried it across the borders-awoke the long dormant energies of England-evoked the convulsive struggles of the commonwealth and the restoration,-struggles which, at home, issuing in the "glorious revolution of 1688," at once placed Great Britain in the van of civilized nations, and abroad, led to the peopling of the new world with pilgrim fathers, who there laid the foundations of a new and mighty empire.-Dr. Duff. GOD'S CARE OF HIS PEOPLE. THIS year (1677) died Mr. David Anderson, who had been minister at Watton-onThames, but apprehensive of a return of Popery had gone over to Zealand, and settled at Middleburgh, with his wife and five small children. sumed the little money he carried over with Having no employment there, he soon conhim, and owed a year's rent for his house, and was reduced so low as to want bread; and such was his modesty, that he knew not how to make his case known in a strange country. In this condition, after he had been one morning at prayer with his family, his children desired some bread for their breakfast; but having none, nor money to buy any, they all burst into tears. In this sorrowful case the bell at their door rung, and Mrs. Anderson went to see who was there, in a mean and sorrowful habit. The person that rung the bell asked for the mistress; she answered her name was Anderson-"Here," said he, "a gentleman has sent you this paper, and will send you in some provision presently." When they had opened the paper, they found a Providence attended this pious minister and POPERY AND THE OBLIGATION OF TRUTH. forty pieces of gold in it. The messenger A FACT has just come out which demonstrates blind, and naked; have you an ear to hear, went away without telling his name or whence he came. Soon after came a countryman with a horse load of provisions, of flesh, fish, herbs, and bread, and all things necessary for their living plentifully as long as what was brought would keep good. Neither did he tell them whence he came, nor did they know to their dying day who it was that so seasonably relieved them. But Mr. John Quick (from whose Memoirs the account is taken) being, in 1681, pastor of the English Church at Middleburgh, came accidentally to the knowledge of the whole matter. For, being at the country house of one Minheer de Koning, a magistrate, and mentioning this story, M. de Koning told him he was the person that carried the gold from Minheer de Hoste, a merchant of that place, with whom he was then an apprentice. He added, the fearful character of the tactics to which manism. the obligation of TRUTH and the sanctity of that Minheer de Hoste observed a grave to set aside the law of God. In the theology of Peter Dens, vol. iv., p. 214, we find this doctrine asserted, And then it is asked, 'To whom belongs the It was affirmed that Peter Dens was an an secret way of paying Mr. Anderson's rent very "HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAITH." these, thought themselves rich and increased -Dr. Keith. JOHN KNOX IN A.D. 1572. "I TRUST to satisfy Morton, and as for John Knox, that thing is done and doing daily; the people is generally well bent to England, lomew massacre,) and fearing their tyranny. abhorring the fact in France, (the St. BarthoJohn Knox is now so feeble as scarce he can stand alone, or speak to be heard of any himself to be carried to a place where a certain audiences; yet doth he every Sunday cause number do hear him, and preacheth with the same vehemency and zeal that ever he did. He doth reverence your Lordship much, and willed me once again to send you word, that he thanked God he had obtained at his hands, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is truly and simply preached through Scotland, which doth so comfort him, as now he desireth to be out of this miserable life. He further said, that it was not of your Lordship's [fault] that he was not a great bishop in England; but the effect grown in Scotland, he being an instrument, doth much more satisfy him. He desired me to make his last commendations most humbly to your Lordship, and withal that he prayed God to increase his strong Spirit in you, saying, that there never was more need." This letter from Killigrew, Queen Elizabeth's Ambassador in Scotland, to Cecil Lord Burleigh, 6th October, 1572, is quoted from Tytler's History of Scotland, vol. VII., p. 316. "The picture given of this extraor dinary man, by Killigrew, is very striking," is Mr. Tytler's comment on this letter; and in the same volume is his laboured attack on the character and name of the Reformer. But the character of Knox is far too high to be reached by the attacks or slanders of those who hate John Knox, because they hate Presbyterianism, and hate evangelical and spiritual religion. We would remind our readers, that there is a monument now raising in Edinburgh to the memory of John Knox, and we trust, that Presbyterians in England will avail themselves of the pri vilege of assisting this National and Protestant testimony. The monument is one peculiarly suitable, consisting of two churches and schools, one for the English and the other for the Gaelic population; along with a tower, to be built on the site of John Knox's house, in the Canongate of Edinburgh. THE PURITANS IN KING CHARLES'S Ir was not "Constitution," "Liberty of the ments," or any modification of these "sublime privileges," now waxing somewhat faint in our admiration, that mainly animated our Cromwells, Pyms, and Hampdens to the heroic efforts we still admire in retrospect. Not these very measurable privileges, but a far other and deeper, which could not be measured; of which these, and all grand social improvements whatsoever, are the corollary. Our ancient Puritan Reformers were, as all reformers that will ever much benefit this earth are always, inspired by a Divine purpose. To see God's own law, then universally acknowledged for complete as it stood in the holy written book, made good in this world; to see this, or the true unwearied aim and struggle toward this: it was a thing worth living for and dying for! Eternal justice, that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven: corollaries enough will flow from that, if that be there; if that be not there, no corollary good for much will flow. It was the general spirit of England in the seventeenth century. That England should all become a Church, if you like to call it so: a Church presided over not by sham-priests in four surplices at Allhallow-tide; but by true God-consecrated ones, whose hearts the Most High had touched and hallowed with his fire:-this was the prayer of many, it was the godlike hope and effort of some.-Carlyle's Life of Cromwell. DONATIONS TO COLLEGE LIBRARY. From Mrs. FECTOR. A Mahogany Case, fitted with large Maps of the English America. From Mrs. BRISTOW. The Second Coming, the Judgment, and the Kingdom of Christ. 1 vol. 12mo. The Second Coming of Christ Practically Considered. 1 vol. 12mo. Israel's Sins and Israel's Hopes. 1 vol. 12mo. Hebrew and English Spelling Book. 1 vol. 18mo. Advertisements. THE TARY. HE LARGE TYPE COMPREHEN- The work will be embellished with Wood En- Also, on the 1st of January, 1847, ROXBURGH HOUSE BOARDING and the series of ENGLISH PURITAN DIVINES. DAY SCHOOL. 1, MOUNTFORT TERRACE, BARNSBURY-SQUARE, ISLINGTON, LONDON. The Classes in this establishment, taught by the following experienced masters, will be resumed on Monday, the 11th January, 1847 :Classics, Mathematics, Senior Arithmetic, and general superintendence, by Mr. ROBERTSON, formerly of the Islington Proprietary School. Greek and Latin, by Mr. FILDES. English, Writing, Arithmetic, History, and Geography, by Mr. H. YOULE. 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Mons. Le Verrier's Planet. 6. Periodicals for the People. 7. The Pope and the Italian Question. 8. The Martyr's Child. 9. Constance Lyndsay-Chapters V. and VI. 11. Fanaticism in Scotland-Part I. The Early 13. Edinburgh: John D. Lowe, 69, George-street. London: R. Groombridge and Sons, and James Nisbet and Co. Dublin: W. Curry and Co. Belfast: W. M. Comb. His Grace the Duke of BUCCLEUCH and VICE PRESIDENTS. Robert Christie, Manager. This is a MUTUAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY, in which the WHOLE PROFITS are divisible amongst the Policy Holders every THREE YEARS, The EXISTING ASSURANCES amount to TWO MILLIONS FOUR HUNDRED THOU- The ACCUMULATED FUND exceeds NEI Also, just published, price One Shilling, A new series of Illustrated Story Books for the A beautiful Gift-Book to a Christian Friend. |