Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern West: Prophecy, Cosmology and the New Age MovementRoutledge, 15/04/2016 - 264 من الصفحات This book explores an area of contemporary religion, spirituality and popular culture which has not so far been investigated in depth, the phenomenon of astrology in the modern west. Locating modern astrology historically and sociologically in its religious, New Age and millenarian contexts, Nicholas Campion considers astrology's relation to modernity and draws on extensive fieldwork and interviews with leading modern astrologers to present an invaluable contribution to our understanding of the origins and nature of New Age ideology. This book challenges the notion that astrology is either 'marginal' or a feature of postmodernism. Concluding that astrology is more popular than the usual figures suggest, Campion argues that modern astrology is largely shaped by New Age thought, influenced by the European Millenarian tradition, that it can be seen as an heir to classical Gnosticism and is part of the vernacular religion of the modern west. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 6-10 من 39
... apocalyptic thought has been acknowledged by New Age writers . David Spangler , understood this well enough when discussing the basis for belief in the coming New Age : ' as the term Age of Aquarius suggests , ' he wrote , ' one source ...
... apocalyptic thought has been acknowledged by New Age writers . David Spangler , understood this well enough when discussing the basis for belief in the coming New Age : ' as the term Age of Aquarius suggests , ' he wrote , ' one source ...
... apocalyptic , or peaceful and progressive , are , in Collingwood's terminology , quasi - historical . 26 Cohn , The Pursuit , pp . 108-9 ; see also Michael J. St Clair , Millenarian Movements in Historical Context ( New York and London ...
... apocalyptic , or peaceful and progressive , are , in Collingwood's terminology , quasi - historical . 26 Cohn , The Pursuit , pp . 108-9 ; see also Michael J. St Clair , Millenarian Movements in Historical Context ( New York and London ...
... apocalyptic belief . One version of modern astrological theory holds that significant shifts in human civilisation conform to major movements of the constellations or zodiac signs in relation to the equinox . According to the theory ...
... apocalyptic belief . One version of modern astrological theory holds that significant shifts in human civilisation conform to major movements of the constellations or zodiac signs in relation to the equinox . According to the theory ...
... apocalyptic events were traditionally measured by planetary cycles, chiefly Jupiter–Saturn conjunctions. There is though, not a single extant example of the use of precession of the equinoxes to predict the future by astrologers until ...
... apocalyptic events were traditionally measured by planetary cycles, chiefly Jupiter–Saturn conjunctions. There is though, not a single extant example of the use of precession of the equinoxes to predict the future by astrologers until ...
... apocalyptic literature which can be traced back to the ancient Near East, especially to the Old Testament. Second, all the documentary evidence indicates that the use of the shift of the constellations as a technical basis for such ...
... apocalyptic literature which can be traced back to the ancient Near East, especially to the Old Testament. Second, all the documentary evidence indicates that the use of the shift of the constellations as a technical basis for such ...
The New Age and the Age of Aquarius | |
New Age Astrology | |
Astrology Religion and Belief | |
The Extent of Belief in Astrology | |
Belief in Astrology | |
The Astrologers Universe of Discourse | |
With Their Own Voices | |
Modernity and Normality | |
Bibliography | |
Index | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Age astrology Age culture Age Movement Age of Aquarius Alan Leo Alice Alice Bailey amongst astrologers answers apocalyptic Aquarian Age argued Astrological Association Astrological Journal Astrology London astrology's Bailey behaviour belief in astrology Blavatsky British Astrological Cambridge cent century church claimed conference Consciousness contemporary context cosmic cosmology Dane Rudhyar David Spangler definition of astrology divine Esoteric Astrology evidence example figures future Gallup Poll History horoscope columns Howard Sasportas human individual Leo's literature Magic MAJMA Michael Michael York millenarian Modern Astrology Naylor Nicholas Campion notion Occult Oken opinion Oxford Paranormal Patrick Curry Paul Heelas planets popular culture postmodern prediction Prophecy psychological astrology question questionnaire read horoscope readership of horoscope religious affiliation response Robert sample sceptical Scientific Study sense Skeptical Inquirer Society Sociology spiritual stars Study of Religion suggests sun-sign theory theosophical tradition University Press Western Astrology York