Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial PerspectiveWorld Bank Publications, 01/12/1998 - 302 من الصفحات Microfinance is not simply banking; it is a development tool. It has been estimated that there are 500 million economically active poor people in the world operating microenterprises and small businesses. Most of them do not have access to adequate financial services. The purpose of this Handbook is to bring together in a single source guiding principles and tools that will promote sustainable microfinance and create viable institutions. The Handbook takes a global perspective, drawing on lessons learned from the experiences of microfinance practitioners, donors, and others throughout the world.This volume covers extensively matters pertaining to the regulatory and policy framework and the essential components of institutional capacity building, such as product design, performance measuring and monitoring, and management of microfinance institutions.The handbook has three parts. 'Issues in Microfinance Provision' - Part I, takes a macroeconomic perspective toward general microfinance issues and is primarily nontechnical. 'Designing and Monitoring Financial Products and Services' - Part II, narrows its focus to the provision of financial intermediation, taking a more technical approach and moving progressively toward more specific (or micro) issues. 'Measuring Performance and Managing Viability' - Part III, is the most technical part of the handbook, focusing primarily on assessing the viability of microfinance institutions. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 6-10 من 17
الصفحة 100
... dependence on subsidies from either national or internation- al organizations. Caja Social's experience has shown that banking with the poor can be sustainable and profitable. Source: Contributed by Julia Paxton, Sustainable Banking ...
... dependence on subsidies from either national or internation- al organizations. Caja Social's experience has shown that banking with the poor can be sustainable and profitable. Source: Contributed by Julia Paxton, Sustainable Banking ...
الصفحة 122
... dependence on a single programmer to develop and maintain the systems , and avoid dependence on one expensive firm to make small updates to the systems □ Hardware and software used should be well supported locally , development tools ...
... dependence on a single programmer to develop and maintain the systems , and avoid dependence on one expensive firm to make small updates to the systems □ Hardware and software used should be well supported locally , development tools ...
الصفحة 195
... dependence, and the risk that it would face if subsi- dies were eliminated. There are three types of subsidies typically received by MFIs: □ Funds donated to cover operational costs and dona- tions in-kind □ Concessional loans ...
... dependence, and the risk that it would face if subsi- dies were eliminated. There are three types of subsidies typically received by MFIs: □ Funds donated to cover operational costs and dona- tions in-kind □ Concessional loans ...
الصفحة 215
... dependence index can be calculated to determine the rate at which the MFIs interest rate needs to be increased to cover the same level of costs with the same revenue base (loan portfolio). Revenue is generated when the assets of an MFI ...
... dependence index can be calculated to determine the rate at which the MFIs interest rate needs to be increased to cover the same level of costs with the same revenue base (loan portfolio). Revenue is generated when the assets of an MFI ...
الصفحة 218
... Dependence Index A third and final way to determine the financial viability of an MFI is to calculate its subsidy dependence index (SDI). The subsidy dependence index measures the degree to which an MFI relies on subsidies for its ...
... Dependence Index A third and final way to determine the financial viability of an MFI is to calculate its subsidy dependence index (SDI). The subsidy dependence index measures the degree to which an MFI relies on subsidies for its ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
ACCION International activities adjusted analysis arrears average balance sheet Bank Rakyat Indonesia borrowers branches calculated capital cash flow chapter cial compulsory savings Crédit Agricole credit officers credit unions debt declining balance delinquent deposits disbursed donors effective rate enterprise development services equity example expenses financial institutions financial intermediation financial services financial statements fixed assets formal financial funds Grameen Bank impact incentive income statement increase inflation interest rate internal investment Ledgerwood lending liabilities loan amount loan loss reserve loan portfolio loan term management information system ment MFI’s Microcredit Microenterprise microentrepreneurs Microfinance Institutions Network NGOs operating costs organization outreach payments percent policies portfolio at risk portfolio outstanding profit programs ratio regulated repay return on assets revenue rural savings products savings services Source staff Sustainable Banking target market Thomas Dichter tion village banks Washington World Bank