Replicating Microfinance in the United StatesJames H. Carr, Zhong Yi Tong Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 28/06/2002 - 387 من الصفحات "With the publication of this volume, knowledge and understanding of the practices of delivering micro-credit reach a new level of consolidation, and the stage is set for important further steps."—from the Foreword by Richard P. Taub, University of Chicago Microfinance was pioneered in the developing world as the lending of small amounts of money to entrepreneurs who lacked the kinds of credentials and collateral demanded by banks. Similar practices spread from the developing to the developed world, reversing the usual direction of innovation, and today several hundred microfinance institutions are operating in the United States. Replicating Microfinace in the United States reviews experiences in both developing and industrialized countries and extends the applications of microlending beyond enterprise to consumer finance, housing finance, and community development finance, concentrating especially on previously underserved households and their communities. Contributors include Nitin Bhatt, Robert M. Buckley, Bruce Ferguson, Elinor Haider, Chi-kan Richard Hung, Sally R. Merrill, Jonathan Morduch, Gary Painter, Sohini Sarkar, Mark Schreiner, Lisa Servon, Ayse Can Talen, Shui-Yan Tang, Kenneth Temkin, Andres Vinelli, J. D. Von Pischke and Marc A. Weiss. Replicating Microfinance in the United States is based on papers commissioned by the Fannie Mae Foundation and findings from an October 2001 conference jointly held by the Fannie Mae Foundation and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. |
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النتائج 6-10 من 100
... mortgage - based loan products . Thus , much of the innovation in LMI lend- ing and microlending in emerging economies addresses these issues . Microfinance and Low - Income Lending for Housing in Emerging Markets This section discusses ...
... microfinance for hous- ing . It is interesting that this lending relies far less on the traditional banks that dominate the high - income market for housing finance in emerging- market nations . Instead , the key institutions include ...
... housing finance available to LMI households . The Home Finance Corporation in Ghana has sought to develop an overall housing finance system , whereas DeltaBRAC , a new joint venture in Bangladesh between the NGO BRAC and the Delta In ...
... housing . The church's development foundation bought FINTESA , a Chilean finance company , which was merged in 1983 with a bank to form Banco del Desarrollo . LMI lending for housing is financed by the bank using the two principal mortgage ...
... housing finance has evolved in a limited number of cases through partnerships . NGOs have formed partnerships with financial in- stitutions , charitable groups , and international donors , with each member of the partnership following ...