Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmaceutical CareJones & Bartlett Publishers, 15/11/2010 - 484 من الصفحات This thoroughly revised second edition of Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmaceutical Care offers a comprehensive overview of the social-economic aspects of pharmaceutical care. This new edition provides both the pharmacy student and practitioner with established principles from the social and behavioral sciences, along with current findings and examples of cases and reports of applications of these principles. Theoretical models and practical examples are included to elaborate the pharmacist's role in identifying patients' non-compliant behavior and managing drug-related problems. This valuable text includes clinical, economic, and humanistic considerations that are essential to pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists. This essential text also features a special focus on public health and the involvement of caregivers in facilitating behavioral change. Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmaceutical Care, Second Edition will help readers consider how organizations and social systems impact patient experiences with medications, contributing to an improved system of pharmaceutical practice and care. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 6-10 من 34
الصفحة 212
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عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
الصفحة 242
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عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
الصفحة 248
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عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
الصفحة 253
عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
الصفحة 259
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عذرًا، محتوى هذه الصفحة مقيَّد.
Interpretation of the Health Problem and Need for Treatment | 1 |
Approaches to Resolve Health Problems | 95 |
Targeting Care of Specific Patients | 297 |
Public Policy Perspectives on Medical Practices | 397 |
451 | |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Accessed activities adoption adverse drug reactions advertising American assessment associated behavior change beliefs caregivers chapter chronic Clin clinical cognitive community pharmacy consumer cultural decision diabetes disease dispensing dose drug therapy DTC advertising effects ethical evaluation example factors force field analysis health and illness health behavior health belief model health literacy health-related quality healthcare healthcare providers hospital identify impact implementation important improve increase individuals with mental inequality influence interactions interpersonal communication intervention measure medication adherence medication errors medicines mental health mental illness monitoring nonadherence older adults organizational outcomes patient-reported outcomes perceived person Pharm Assoc pharmaceutical pharmaceutical care pharmacist-patient pharmacists pharmacy practice physician population potential practitioners prescribing prescription drug problem professional psychiatric regimen relationship reported response role self-efficacy social specific stage strategies stress symptoms theory therapeutic tion transtheoretical model treatment understanding